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Agenvilliers Buzz Bomb Launch Site, North of Abbeville, France
17 December 1943

Albert Hill
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This strike carried out by 18 planes of the 386th was charactorized by the British Air Ministry as the most accurate and concentrated bombing pattern in history.   108 - 500 lbs bombs.  No bombs hit more than 150 yards from the aiming point.   553rd Bombardment Squadron, 386th Bombardment Group, US Ninth Bomber Command - ETO.


Agenvilliers Buzz Bomb Launch Site, North of Abbeville, France, 17 December 1943

Agenvilliers Buzz Bomb Launch Site, North of Abbeville, France, 17 December 1943

Agenvilliers Buzz Bomb Launch Site, North of Abbeville, France, 17 December 1943

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