- Date:
- 12/31/2001
- Time:
- 6:23:43 PM
- Robert Wentz BombGp: 344 Squadron: 495 Years: 3/44 to 11/44 Class:
11/43 Location: Amarillo, Texas, Engineer Gunner Completed 65 missions serving in the
European Theater. Flew in B 26 Lak-A-Of-Nookie & Sleepy Time Gal. Glad to hear from
others to compare notes. Please identify self by B26 along with e mail handle. Looking for
Jim Reeves from Atlanta, Georgia. He served in 391st bomb group 94 and/or
97th. Please let me know if anyone knows him and what happened with him.
- Date:
- 12/29/2001
- Time:
- 10:45:21 AM
- Rene Georgin BombGp: 386 Squadron: 555 Years: 1944. I am French and I
live at Compiegne(oise) close to Rethondes where a B26 named "Yankee Guerilla"
crashed at October 5, 1944. If you have some pictures and the whole history about this
plane and the crew please send me these! Thank you for your help! René.
- Date:
- 12/28/2001
- Time:
- 1:09:31 AM
- Robert Figueroa BombGp: 322 Squadron: 449 Years: 43-45. My father,
Robert Figueroa, was a bomb/nav. Many of his 24 missions were aboard the famed 'Flak
Bait'. Dad is now 77 and would like to hear from anyone that may have been associated with
him while he was stationed in Beauvais France and Belgium. Dad has many old pictures and
scrapbooks from the war. Many of the pictures and articles mention names which I have seen
on this wonderful website. If anyone would like to contact us, please feel free to do so.
Thank you to all who served to make our lives better. Michael
- Date:
- 12/27/2001
- Time:
- 11:26:01 PM
- Warren M. Grymes Years: 43/46. I was not a flyer in ww2 but did
work at the Glenn L. Martin plant from 4/39 until 8/41. I worked in the extrusion dept at
first and was later transferred to the main machine shop in A building where I worked on
the largest Cincinnati Milling machine there and had the distinct pleasure to make parts
for the first B 26 bombers to roll off the line.The first 15 were sent to Dayton Ohio for
testing and while there they discovered that the nose wheel would not turn sharp enough
for some of the narrow landing strips they would be operating out of. The gear were sent
back to Martin's and I modified them.
- Date:
- 12/27/2001
- Time:
- 3:08:09 PM
- Kenneth Coney BombGp: 443 Squadron: 320 Years: '42 - '44. Thanks for the site. My
father, Winslow S. Coney, who died suddenly without warning at his home
in NYC, in 1993 was a Marauder veteran. I visited him for a week about a month before he
died. There were no indications his time was short. He was an aircombat photographer and a
waist gunner. He was a Tech Sgt. when discharged. He served in North Africa and Italy. He
was transferred stateside before D Day and finished out his tour of duty in the Southwest.
According to his DD 214 he earned several bronze stars and DFCs in seldom spoken of places
like Tunisia. Sadly he never volunteered much about his WW2 experiences, and I was too
unknowing when young to ask him. When I was older I spent the last 22 years of his life
living 5 states away building my own family and had no idea how short the time was
getting. He had many photographs taken during WW2 and a few souveineers. Most of his
belongings from that period were kept in boxes, in a rarely opened closet. Back in the
late 70s and the ear! ly 80s he gave some of the photographs to someone (S. Rowan?) in a
then new Marauder association that was starting up in Florida. I am ashamed to admit that
I don't even know the name of his plane, or any his fellow crew members, nor anything
about any of his missions except the one at Casino. He used to tell my mom and I that when
he got on the plane for the Casino mission he had blond hair. When he landed the hair was
white. That is about all I know of his WW2 experiences. Most of his belongings were lost
to burglars before I learned of his death. I remember the emblem of the pygmy with the
blowgun on an old leather jacket with many tiny bombs painted on it. Someone took that and
the photos, the cameras, the old K-bar, the Zeiss binoculars, etc. If you served with him
and know the name of his plane or crew members I would appreciate the information.
- Date:
- 12/25/2001
- Time:
- 10:08:14 PM
- Louis Salvati BombGp: 320 Squadron: 443 Years: 3. I am looking for Tauno
O. Brooks. If Tauno reads this posted message, or anybody has any information on
how to contact Tauno, please e-mail me at the above location. Thank you.
- Date:
- 12/25/2001
- Time:
- 11:47:02 AM
- John J. McGrail BombGp: Squadron: RAF Ferry Years: 1940-1945 Class:
Location: St Hubert/Dorval Canada. Was Navigator(astro) and Radio officer (civilian) from
December1940. Operated under following banners CPA Air service/BMAP/ATFERO/RAF Ferry
Command/RAF Transport command/RAF45 group-- Flown aircrew 13 different types aircraft
including B26 from Florida to El Alamain (Egypt)September 1942. B24 from Calif. to
Australia March 1942 ETC ETC Old Crock now, age 88 Yrs. Good Luck John J. McGrail
- Date:
- 12/23/2001
- Time:
- 8:58:54 PM
- Lt. James Michael (AKA Mike) Sweeney BombGp: 322 Squadron: 451 Years:
1942-1944. I am Charles B Jonson and Mike Sweeney was my uncle. He was a pilot in the ETO.
According to my mother he flew 68 combat missions. His squadon's war diary reports his
death on Aug 6th of 1944 as the result of attempting to land his riddled ship. Mike was a
star football player at Texas U. in 40 and 41. The Air Force Historical Research Agency
has sent me what they can find. Is it possible to contact members of his Squadron? I note
in the diary that men and officers were occasionally placed on "DS" to an Air
Force Rest Home such as Coombe House Hotel or Walhampton House. Is this for the purpose of
recovering from battle fatigue or what?
- Date:
- 12/17/2001
- Time:
- 3:06:28 AM
- Wilmoth 'Bill' Lowell Keller (Bomb/Nav). BombGp: 344 Squadron: 496
Years: 44-45 Class: 44 Location: Childress AB, TX. I am looking for anyone who knew
and/or served with Bill Keller in the 496th in the ETO. I would like to find out where and
when the 496th was in England and Belgium. I understand that he crewed on the
"Maxwell House" and possibly "Queen of Hearts". Thank you- Greg (son)
- Date:
- 12/10/2001
- Time:
- 9:03:39 PM
- Andy Stuber BombGp: 319 Squadron: Years: 42-45??? My father was is the
319th Bomb Group. I would like to correspond with anyone who might have known him. His
name was Andy Stuber and he flew on Martin's Miscarriage. A bit of trivia I know and would
like to pass on. There is a restaurant on the grounds of the West Palm Beach airport named
after the 319th. Also, a man from California named Tavasche (not sure of spelling)
restored and sold a B-26 to a museum in Polk City Florida. Have not been there to see it
yet, but an going to look into it in the near future. Thank you for your interest, Susie
(Stuber) Wardlaw
- Date:
- 12/9/2001
- Time:
- 9:12:02 PM
- Robert L. Holliday (HAP) BombGp: 391st Squadron: 573rd Years: 42-45
Class: 43F Location: Pampa Texas. Still looking for my Tail Gunner Anthony NMI
- Date:
- 12/9/2001
- Time:
- 9:02:52 PM
- Lt. Jack V. Porter My stepfather, Col. Jack
Victor Porter, was a pilot of a B-26 during the second world war. He was shot down over
France and spent 2 years in a prison camp. Moving from France eventually into Germany. I
have a black and white photo of the plane in flight--about 36" by 25" in size.
On the tail is 01542 and on the main body behind (side gunners) is 58 D. I would like to
know how I can find out more about this plane. Also, it appears to be flying over desert
and there is not a top turret nor a gun in the nose. Though, it is obvious there were guns
in those places. Someone in the family wrote on the carton is has been stored in
"Jack's plane" Can you help? thank you, Don Macdonald
- Date:
- 12/8/2001
- Time:
- 10:26:02 PM
- Looking for information on Cloyd Singhass born August 02, 1923. Cloyd is
living today. Looking for anyone who knew him and or served with him. Our problem is at
age 78 ones memory sometimes is a bit sketchy.
- Cloyd served in World War ll, enlisting September of 1942, at age nineteen in the U.S.
Army Air Force. He was not called up until March of 1943. He became an aviation cadet,
completed bombardier training at Goodfellow Field St. Angelo Texas and received his gold
2nd Lieutenant bars.
- He received added combat flight training at Barksdale Field, Louisiana. Shortly after
D-Day June 6, 1944 at the age of twenty one, Cloyd arrived in England.
- There he was assigned as a Bombardier/Navigator aboard a B-26A Marauder bomber No.
(unknown) named "The Three Bears." He was first stationed
at Stansted Bishop's Stratford, England with the 9th Air Force, 344th Bomb Group. Cloyd
had flown only four or five missions from Stansted, about the time Paris was liberated and
Cloyd's plane and part of the 344th bomb group were transferred to Roye/Amy, France. At
Roye/Amy he flew about twenty two or twenty three more missions. Then came the
"Battle of the Bulge" in Belgium and the 344th, Cloyd's plane and crew were
again transferred, this time to Liege, Belgium, so they could fly support missions
assisting the allies in winning that battle. Cloyd stayed at Liege the remainder of his
time, flying maybe ten or twelve more missions. From the three locations, Cloyd flew a
total of 38 successful bombing missions over Germany.
- Cloyd's plane No. (unknown), "The Three Bears" and the
five other men assigned to the "The Three Bears" were
awarded three Presidential Unit Citations. So Cloyd received that Citation with two bronze
- The crew of "The Three Bears." A Lt. White was the Pilot.
Lt. Thomas the Co-Pilot, Lt. Singhass the Bombardier/Navigator, Cpl. Ritchie as
Engineer-Gunner, Sgt. Tate the Radioman Gunner, Cpl. Taplin as the tail gunner. As of the
year 2001, Singhass, Ritchie and Taplin are living.
- Cloyd thinks that his bomb group was the 344th bomb group. But only because this
writer says so. But Cloyd, really is not sure of that. I have found the 344th in
Roye/Amy and Cloyd was indeed there. But, I find the 391st BG was there September
19, 1944, that the 344th had left. Cloyd says they were there, that
later they went to Liege Belgium. Question? What is right. Was he really with the 391st
BG?? Not the 344th??
- Cloyd seems to think he was with the group that moved to station A-59 Pontoise,
Cormeilles-en-Vixen, France, Sept. 30, 1944 (23 miles north of Paris). That he then went
to Belgium, he remembers, to Florennes-Juzaine, Belgium on April 5, 1945.
- Can anyone clear up and supply correct information for Cloyd?
- Contact: Richard F Smith
- Date:
- 12/8/2001
- Time:
- 10:12:01 PM
- Zane Puckett, My Father-in-Law flew the B26 out of Italy. His name was Orin
Baertsch and he was from Minot North Dakota. He flew for a Col. Holzapple I
think. any info would be appreciated.
- Note: Zane, Your father-in-law flew with the 319th Bomb Group, Col.
Holzapple being the Group commander. The Group flew out of Sardinia, Corsica and Sothern
France. Regards Trevor Allen B26 historian
- Date:
- 12/7/2001
- Time:
- 11:43:02 PM
- Albert F. Norman BombGp: 17th Squadron: 432nd Years: 1945 Class: 44-D
Location: Altus, Oklahoma. My 84-year-old father is Albert Norman, B-26 pilot in ETO
Europe theater, in the unit from February 1945 to VE. He is a modest man, young for his
years, very active. No one believes he is 84. We cannot get Daddy to talk about the wars.
(He also served in infantry in Korea. I guess he did not want to fly again.) He was
fortunate to take early retirement from his successful career, spending 25+ years at home
with the love of his life. Painfully, he lost the love of his life, Darlene M. Putnam
Norman, in 1999. Daddy has cheated death many times since the wars, having beaten several
forms of cancer. He is cancer free and we believe he will outlive his children and has
many quality years to look forward to, hoping he does not spend them alone. I just wanted
to write this for indeed the best generation. I hope my sons and grandson will pick up
Daddy's character attributes and sense of honor and duty. Thank you for the wonderful
website. I am sending a photo of Daddy and his crew to Mike at b26.com. The crew in the
photo are, from left to right: Albert F. Norman, Pilot; Norman Coggins, Co-pilot; C. E.
Harris, Bomb/Nav; Sterling Pendergrass, Engr. & Turret Gunner; Elmer Kilpatrick, Radio
Operator & Waist Gunner; Gronczewski, Tail Gunner. Thankfully, Jan Underwood
- Date:
- 12/7/2001
- Time:
- 11:55:15 AM
- John G. Pederson BombGp: 319 Squadron: 439 Years: 1943-1944 Class: 43-6 Location:
Victorville, CA. I am the son of 1st Lt. John G. Pederson, USAAF. Dad
held a Bombardier's rating, joining the 319th Bomb Group in the 438th Squadron after
training at Avon Park, Florida. He completed 18 missions with the 438th. On February 28,
1944, he was placed on Combat Flying Status in the 439th. The next day, Feb 29th, he flew
with a crew in a B-26C on a 4:50 mission to strike the Viterbo Airdrome in Italy. He went
on to complete 18 more missions with the 439th. He started what was to be his 38th
mission, but the aircraft crashed and burned on take off. Dad wrote in his pocket journal
that "both props ran away--flew 6 min. 20 sec. --crashed and burned. All six of us
got out--Menton died at the hospital". I was fortunate to meet the pilot, Col. Joe
Modrano, who recounted the accident to me. Col. Modrano told me the crash was the result
of a high speed stall. Dad and Col. Modrano met at the 319th Group Reunion in Dayton, Ohio
in July 1978. The crash broke his back and ended his service. He was transferred to Ft.
George Wright, Spokane, WA to recuperate. After that, dad was retired from the USAAF on a
medical. I am interested in hearing from anyone who served with Dad. He died in December
1983 from cancer. Thank you for the great site.
- Date:
- 12/6/2001
- Time:
- 2:17:47 PM
- Clarance A. Luck BombGp: 397 Squadron: 597 Years: 1942-1945
- Date:
- 12/4/2001
- Time:
- 11:15:49 PM
- Delbert F. Kretschmar BombGp: 335 Squadron: 474 Years: 44-45 Class: ?
Location: 631st Gulf Port Field La. After the passing of Uncle Del (Dutchman) as his squad
called him, I acquired numerous memoirs of his experience as an engine gunner including
his flight log and list of bomber runs beginning on June 9th 1944 until his last run on 21
March 1945. Total combat missions and 264 combat operational hours. I was so very proud of
him when he spoke of his military experiences. Thank you for this opportunity to convey
this information. Is there a specific museum for these things to be displayed? One that is
dedicated solely to the B-26 squad? If anyone recalls him, please feel free to e-mail or
if you would like further information on his missions. Sincerely, Vicky Rankin.
Great-niece of Delbert F. Kretschmar.
- Note: Ms. Rankin has provided proof (mission reports, etc.) that
the 335/474 did indeed fly combat missions in Europe. Up 'til now, they were only known to
have been a training group. This is the type of information we need. By the way, this is
very big news in the Marauder Community. Thank you, Ms. Ranlin!
- Date:
- 12/4/2001
- Time:
- 8:23:59 PM
- Floyd Dale Colvin BombGp: 394th Squadron: 585th Years: 43-45
Hello all you honorable veterans. I am the son of F. Dale Colvin, a T/Sgt. in the 585th
Group. As far as I understand, my Dad worked on the electrical components of the engines.
He was based in England and France at different times. His health is not doing well right
now. I and doing all I can to cheer him up. If any honorable veterans remember my Dad and
wish to send me a note, I will forward it to him. I'm sure it will help tremendously.
- Date:
- 12/1/2001
- Time:
- 3:43:55 PM
- Roy B. Edge BombGp: 322 Squadron: 452 Years: 1943-44. 2nd Lt. Roy B.
Edge, pilot, 322BG /452 SQ, years 1943-44. Roy Edge died in a crash near London on
31AUG1944. Records indicate the plane was B-26 41-34792 DR-G. Would like to hear from
anyone who knew Roy. Would also like to know any prior history including name or nose art
of this plane. Would like to know any particulars about the plane known as "Paper
Doll". Thanks, Jerry Edge
- Date:
- 11/27/2001
- Time:
- 9:21:40 PM
- Sgt. Frank Rosenbaum BombGp: 387 Squadron: 558 Years: 1943-45. I am
looking for information, pictures, crew, plane or anything for Sgt. Frank
Rosenbaum. I am his grandson and have his discharge papers and know that he flew
with the 387BG/558SQ. He was not a pilot but believe that he was a gunner. Anything would
be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Glenn Rosenbaum
- Date:
- 11/22/2001
- Time:
- 10:34:25 PM
- I am trying to find any info on Pilot, Harry E. Pence,
who was from Minnesota. B-26 training, 1942-1943, Europe 1943-1944 64
missions Thank you. Don Ward
- Date:
- 11/25/2001
- Time:
- 9:29:43 PM
- I was so glad to find this site on the B-26. I would like to contact
any crew members that was with the Air Comando's at Hulbert Field, Florida in 1961 and
1962. I was a Crew Chief on the B-26 Aircraft during this time and I still have my
run-up and taxi card. We were training crews on the B-26 and then sending them to Viet
Nam. It was alot of fun to watch a new Pilot that was trained on Jets try to Taxi a
airplane that did not have power steering.
- Date:
- 11/25/2001
- Time:
- 8:43:03 PM
- Jesse Tyson 397 BG, 598th. Pilot.
- Date:
- 11/22/2001
- Time:
- 11:55:03 AM
- Dick Gagnon. My father Staff Sergeant Joseph Robert Gagnon was crew
chief for Col. Paul Tibbetts prior to the forming of the 509th and while
in the 509th. Tibbetts let my dad name one of the B-26 after my mother - "Sweet
Cecilia". I would love to know if anyone remembers my dad and if they have any
pictures of my dad or the plane. Please contact this web site to get my email address.
- Date:
- 11/22/2001
- Time:
- 11:30:25 AM
- Francis Koller BombGp: ? Squadron: ? Years: 1941-1945 Class: ?
Location: ? This is all the info I have regarding my uncle that served in WW2 he enlisted
in Ste Genenieve County in Missouri...was based in Africa flew bombing raids in
Italy....can you help me to find out more about him when he was in the
service?......thanks, Allen
- Date:
- 11/21/2001
- Time:
- 11:51:17 PM
- Scott E. Murphy Years: 1939-1944 11/21/2001. I am looking for anyone who knew my
grandfather-Major Robert Edward Murphy. He was stationed in Dodge City
Kansas and France. His plane was named "Miss Kam". THANKS!
- "Miss Kam" was a B26 belonging to the 559th Bomb Squadron 387th Bomb
Group, thus this was your father's unit. Trevor Allen
- Date:
- 11/21/2001
- Time:
- 11:53:07 AM
- AURRENS BombGp: Squadron: MAROC Years: 1942 Class: Location: 1/22
- Date:
- 11/21/2001
- Time:
- 10:28:05 AM
- Michelle BombGp: 322 Squadron: 449 Years: 1943-1945 I am looking for any info on
the Je Reviens, Classy Chassy, Semper in Excretia, Gasparillan, Peep Sigh. The first 3 are
B-26 the last two I have photo's of but am unsure what type of plane they are. My
grandfather was an airplane mechanic and has many photos I wanted to find out anything I
could about these planes.
- Date:
- 11/21/2001
- Time:
- 9:45:45 AM
- Lt. Col. LW "Bud" Higgs. Years: 193?-1945 I will try to
fill in the rest of the info on a later date. My father flew the B26 Marauder in WW2. His
name was L.W. Higgs, but everyone knew him as "Bud" or "Buddy". He
originated from Lakeland Florida, used the GI Bill to get his education and join the USAAF
as an officer. He was Lieutenant and then Captain rank at time of service, and was Captain
pilot of the bomber. His plane was nicknamed the "Hun-Hunter". He flew 68
missions over occupied France. He was based out of England. He earned the Distinguished
Flying Cross during his service. I am in process of going over his records to see what his
service record was, exactly what group/squadron he was, and where he was based. If anyone
happens to have info on him, especially if your father (or yourself if you are happily
still alive and well after so many years) was part of his crew, I would love email on
this. The B26 was a grand plane. According to a WW2 special on the History Channel, it was
called the "Fighter Plane of Bombers". Certainly looks that way to me. Thank
you, and keep up the web site. I am glad I was informed of it. Good luck to all others who
find this site useful. Michael Higgs
- Your father served with the 558th Bomb Squadron 387th Bomb Group."Hun
Hunter" was B26 41-31649 coded KX-D.This B26 crashlanded at Wethersfield England when
its hydraulics were shot out. Trevor Allen
- Date:
- 11/19/2001
- Time:
- 10:56:14 PM
- Dean Ginther Years: 1939-1945 Class: 43-F Location: Waco. From the proud son of Ogden
(Bud) Dean Ginther, a B-26 pilot--he was a good man (anyone out there know my Dad
or any of the crew?) Dean enlisted in the Army Air Force on November 9, 1939 at Fort
Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. He was stationed at Patterson Field, Fairfield, Ohio and
served as a private and private first class until April 16, 1940 when he re-enlisted and
subsequently served as Private First Class, Corporal, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Technical
Sergeant, and by the later part of 1943 he had attained the rank of Master Sergeant in the
22nd Bombardment Group. He was subsequently accepted as an aviation student and began two
months of pre-flight training at Kelly Field, Texas. He completed primary flight training
at Brayton Field, Cuero, Texas, graduating on February 13, 1943. He continued basic pilot
training at the Army Flying School in Waco, Texas and then finished 6 months of advanced
twin engine training at Lubbock Army Flying School, where he was the cadet officer group
Sergeant Major and graduated with class 43-F. He then received an additional nine weeks of
specialized! twin-engine flight training in the III Bomber Command, Third Air Force
(4th Training Group-flight A, August 2, 1943), in the new Martin B-26 bomber at Laughlin
Army Air Field, Del Rio, Texas and graduated on September 4, 1943. He was posted to
Barksdale Field, Shreveport, Louisiana in September of 1943 (probably now with the 1st
Army Air Force) and promoted to Lieutenant on December 7, 1943. Lt. Ginther received
orders to report to Hunter Field, Georgia on February 10, 1944, and to proceed directly
from there to Morrison Field, Florida. From Florida, he and his crew (Lt. John J. McAuley,
Sergeant Jack I. Nabors, and Sergeant Norris C. Hyre, Jr.) ferried a B-26 to England via
North Africa route (the southern route). On July 1, 1944 he was promoted to 1st
Lieutenant. During his duty in Europe, he and his crew flew 68 missions over France and
Germany, including multiple missions to support the invasion of Europe. During one of
these missions a few days after D-day, his aircraft was disabled and he was forced to land
on the French beaches which had been held by the Germans a few days before. As first pilot
of the Martin B-26 named Command Performance, he never lost a crew member during the 68
missions he completed while stationed at Bishop Storford, England with the Ninth Air
Force. After returning from Europe, he completed his active duty at Chanute Field,
Illinois from December 18, 1944 to May 19, 1945, where he received training as an Aircraft
Maintenance Officer and served as a Flight Test Officer. After receiving an honorable
discharge from active duty and being awarded numerous commendations and two distinguished
flying crosses with clusters, he joined the United States Air Force Reserve as a 1st
Lieutenant on October 3, 1945. He was promoted to Captain in the reserves on May 25, 1950
and was honorably discharged from the reserves on February 24, 1958.
- Date:
- 11/19/2001
- Time:
- 7:35:06 PM
- BombGp: 387 Squadron: 558 Years: ? Hello, I like to know more about Ralph
A.Willett who was a SGT. at the 387th group on the 558 bomb squadron. I've
adopted his grave at the American Cemetery at Margraten Netherlands.Off course all info
about crew who died ? with him on May 8th 1945. Please contact me if you have more info.
Perhaps one of the Veterans who met at the reunion last October. Kind regards, Richard
Additional Information:
"I don't know if you know the Cemetery at Margraten in Holland. The locals helped to
build the cemetery back in 44-45, the locals were so thankful that they were
liberated that they started to adopt graves of the fallen soldiers. These are
infanteristst, navy soldiers and Airman. Word got around that the locals from Margraten
started doing this and a soon all the ( I think 8000 graves ) were adopted from Dutchman
all over the country. At one point there was a waiting list for adopting a grave. The next
of kin in the states were told by the locals with letters en photographs that there is
someone looking after there father, brothers, nephew etc. The locals received a lot of
gratitude for doing this. As a kid I often visited Margraten with my dad who lived his
childhood years with W.W.II and being there always made me feel very humble. A few months
ago there was a story in our newspaper about a couple who had adopted a grave and had such
warm responses from their surroundings and next of kin, in that article was mentioned that
there was room for adopting a grave. When you adopt a grave all the info they have is
given to you and you may find the history ( in my case not much) and try to contact the
next of kin. They expect you to lay flowers and attend the grave a few times a year,
mostly at the 4th of July, Memorial Day and the Dutch liberation day. There are even
stories know of locals that passed away who had their last wish full filled by lying the
flowers after their own funeral on the grave which they adopted. In fact the event that
gave me the final push to write the letter for adoption were the events off September
11th. My other goal is to learn my kids as they get older ( they're now 3 years and 5
months ) that their freedom was fought for and they always have to remember this. That's
mainly the reason why I want to know as much about Ralph Willett as I can and even try to
let his relatives ( if there are any ? ) know that someone is looking after him and giving
the attention they probably can't give him. If you look at www.usabmc.com/abmc2.htm you
can see some pictures and info about Margraten." JK.
Follow up from Alan Crouchman, expert on 387th BG:
"In respect of the crash of aircraft 44-67889 coded KX-B, we have the following
from the records: "The aircraft unaccountably crashed near the field while on a
routine training flight, killing all the crew. The first investigators for the Squadron to
arrive at the scene found flowers strewn upon the bodies by the Dutch people." Crew
on board= 1/Lt Ralf W. Leighty, 1/Lt Robert P. Sturm, 2/Lt Wilbur S.Harding, 2/Lt William
W. Tierney, T/Sgt Ralf A. Willet ans S/Sgt Gavin J. Moffatt. (Note spelling of
"Ralf" is how presented in the records). No other details are given - both Sgt
Willet and Lt Sturm are listed as interred in the Margraten Cemetary. As an aside to the
official story we were informed that the crew was celebrating VE Day and engaged in some
local "buzzing" of the area but what went wrong whether mechanical or pilotage
error we do not know. Best wishes, Alan"
Follow up from Warren Butterfield
Hi Mike,
After reading your recent correspondence, Re: Willett Ralph some memories of that period
came to mind. I was stationed at Maastricht, Holland my tour having ended on April
26th, l945 and I was awaiting reassignment to Santa Ana Air Force Base, which took place
on Aug. 7,1945. A short time Prior to this on returning from a mission over Germany, I was
approached by 1st Lt. Ralph W. Leighty. He was in great spirits and lauded me on the
'Great Evasive Action' I had directed during the mission. Remarking how the bursts
of Flak appeared where he would have been if we had not changed headings as we did.
It was gratifying to receive such compliments from a fellow Flight-Leader and later
reflecting the Irony of it all on hearing that he and his crew had survived the perils of
Combat only to lose their lives on a practice mission, celebrating the conclusion of the
War. Although the exact reason for the crash was not known it was surmised that he
may have experienced a 'High Speed Stall' after pulling out of a dive. Records, supplied
by the Crouchmans, show that on 3/18/45 Lt. Leighty and crew led the Blue flight on
a mission to the commumications Center of Worms in Germany. Because the turn was so
violent, after bomb-release, the tracking cameras were unable to record the strike photos.
With fond memories of the combat crew and Best Wishes, Over and Out.
Warren (Scuffer) Butterfield
Bombardier, 387th Bomb Group, 558th Squadron.
9th Air Force. (M)
- Date:
- 11/18/2001
- Time:
- 6:17:53 PM
- Karen Monroe Looking for any information on crew of plane identification I K3. My
father, Floyd Monroe, was the tail gunner. Other crew member names were
(I think) Hodival (first name Roy or Elmer???), Wally Neilsen, and F. Ackerman. Floyd
Monroe was awarded the Silver Star. Group was stationed in France. Thank you to anyone who
can provide information. And THANK YOU to all who served so that we might have a better
life. Karen Monroe
- Date:
- 11/17/2001
- Time:
- 6:56:58 PM
- Joseph E McCann BombGp: 394 Squadron: 587 Years: 1942-1945 Class:
1943-e Location: Ellington Field, TX. Hi Sid, I'm at my younger sons, fooling with his
computer. Hoping you will see this message. Glad you had a good time at the reunion. Sorry
we couldn't be there. Maybe will make the next one. Hi to Laura Lee for us. Hope she is
feeling better. Bud and Jean
- Date:
- 11/17/2001
- Time:
- 2:31:43 PM
- Truett K. Whitmire, 'TK' to his friends. BombGp: 397th
Squadron: 597th Years: 2/44-4/45 My grandfather flew 'Baby Butch' in 65 missions during
the ETO. All of these were flown with the 597th squadron of the 397th bomb group. I am
writing a college paper on the bombers' experiences and would like to receive emails from
anyone with information on this. Thanks! Tristan Whitmire
- Date:
- 11/17/2001
- Time:
- 10:49:20 AM
- Fred C. Yost BombGp: 397TH Squadron: 596 Years: 1942-46 Class: ?
Location: ? I'm Fred's daughter, Peggy Pariseau (and it's my email, as dad doesn't
computer), and am trying very hard to find an original, or copy, of Tech Sgt. insignia for
my dad. He's 80 now, and myself and 3 Grandsons have been searching for years to find a
set for him. He was the Top turret gunner of Krannie's Cradle (or Kreihls Kradle ?) , b26
and flew 35 missions over Germany and the only other name I know from his crew is Mr.
Zeemer, I Know that they flew in the battle of the bulge, and were stationed Several
places in France, and then at the end of the war in Germany on The border near the
Netherlands. I'm not sure of the spellings of The ship or Mr. Zeemer. If there is anyplace
that you or anyone else Might know that I can get a tech Sgt. insignia please let me know.
I have tried our local 3 military bases for ideas, and other b26 sites, And surplus stores
too, with no luck. Thanks for any help with the Insignia and thanks for your service in
- Date:
- 11/12/2001
- Time:
- 5:23:45 PM
- Sir Brian D Middleton. Hello/Hi! just a UK RAF guy who was posted to RAF Swanton Morley
in Norfolk, UK while it still resembled a wartime station. A fairly major B26 base I
think, both US and Polish. I have a superb oil painting done by the famous UK artist John
Stevens of Mitchell Marauders being serviced in the typical Norfolk mist of an Autumn
morning. No bright colours, I commissioned and directed the painting. If you want a JPEG
scan please ask, happy to oblige. Yours Brian D Middleton.
- Date:
- 11/9/2001
- Time:
- 7:21:45 PM
- Searching for serials, unit codes, crew information, fates, etc, on the following
aircraft which served with the 323rd BG, as part of an extensive research project I am
conducting into B-26 Marauder usage & operations. Can anyone help ? "Buckeye
Blitz" "Bugs Bunny" 456th BS "Classic Lassie" "Couchez
Avec" "Dragon Wagon "Eager Eleanor" "Evasive Action"
"Firebird" 455th BS "Flounder Gus" "Hades Lady" "Howard
Hurricane II" 455th BS "John Bull" "Klanks Tank" "Klassie
Lassie" 456th BS "Lady Luck III" "Little Lulu" RJ-X 454th BS
"Lonesome Polecat" "Mandies Dandies" "Miss Twister"
"Moose" "Old 588" "Red Dog II" 42-107688 "Sea
Swoose" "Stinkin Clinkin" "The Bird Dog Special" 455th BS
"The Mad Hatter" "Utah Gamecock" YU-F 455th BS "Weary
Willie" "Whose Goose" "Wyoming's Bad Boy" As far as I am aware
these aircraft all served with the 323rd. Many thanks. Paul Clouting
- Date:
- 11/8/2001
- Time:
- 3:59:01 PM
- Bill Parker. My father was the flight engineer and top turret gunner on a Martin B-26
during WW-II, 8th Air Force. All I know is the name of the air craft, "Liberty
Run". My Father's name was Willis (Bill) Parker and was from Texas.
- Date:
- 11/8/2001
- Time:
- 1:46:31 PM
- First Lt. Al Resnick BombGp: 323 Squadron: 454 Years: 42-45 Class: 44
Location: Coral Gables, Florida. ETO navigator, bombardier Member of the crew of the 454
Squadron, in the lead plane on D-Day coming over Omaha Beach. Plane: Goatee Hell -- first
aircraft to hit the beaches. Dropped 500 pound bombs to create the fox holes for the
soldiers coming off the landing craft. All our planes returned safely after bombing runs
in spite of the intense anti-aircraft fire. Mission Accomplished!!
- Date:
- 11/6/2001
- Time:
- 10:33:15 PM
- William H. Deam BombGp: 394th Squadron: 587th Years: 1942-1945 Class:
43J Location: Napier Field. This information is being entered by son Mark. Dad was
the co-pilot joining the 587th at Boreham Field near Chelmsford, England. He flew a total
of 65 missions, ending up in Cambrai, France. The pilot of his crew was Troy Lively. My
dad, wife, brother, and I made a return trip to England, France, and Holland in June,
2001, with about 40 others, including family members, from the 394th BG. It was a very
emotional trip for me to stand on Omaha Beach and at three American War Cemeteries. I can
only imagine what the veterans must have felt.
- Date:
- 11/6/2001
- Time:
- 6:33:01 PM
- Fred Christensen BombGp: 391 Squadron: 574 Years: 43-44. Hello I'm
looking for any info from the 391st.-574squad. my father-in-law was in there. Still living
in Long Grove, IL. Looking for a guy by the name of Dimetlio Lucero from
California. If you have any info please e-mail me. Thanks Mike. PS. does
any one have a picture of the b-26 bugs bunny?
- Date:
- 11/6/2001
- Time:
- 3:23:23 PM
- Tali Stone BombGp: 387 Squadron: 557 Years: 44-45. Someone left a message on
8/24/01 requesting information on Thomas J. Lotina (pictured in your website!).
He was my uncle. He died about 35 years ago from heart or lung disease. I would love to
hear about his B26 days. Please contact me.
- Date:
- 10/28/2001
- Time:
- 9:52:17 AM
- Wayne T. Dupre BombGp: 322 Squadron: 452 Years: 1944-1945 My
grandfather (Wayne Dupre) was a pilot of a B-26 called the Old Vet during
the last part of the war. I am looking for any information about him or his crew
(322nd/452nd). He flew 55 missions from July 22.1944 - April 20,1945. Contact me at via
- Date:
- 10/25/2001
- Time:
- 9:37:55 PM
- Tim Melloy BombGp: 387 Died 17 july 1944. My daughter is doing a class project on
her great uncle Thomas M. Seymour.Commander of the 387 Bomber group. Any
information about his service that can be provided will be appreciated.
- Date:
- 10/21/2001
- Time:
- 10:46:45 PM
- Todd A. Ellis BombGp: 320th Squadron: 442nd My grandfather, Lieutenant Colonel
Harold Heimroth "Happy Hal" passed away in 1995. Joined the Air Corps
in June of 41 and was stationed in Texas. He then we to Africa in 1942 and was there until
1945.I never really had an opportunity to speak with him about his involvement before he
died, and I have always wanted to know what he was like then. This all came out when I
found a few pictures of him from the war, the resemblance of he and I are outstanding, and
I would just like to get in touch with anyone who knew him. He was stationed somewhere in
northern Africa and was a pilot. I am sorry I do not have anymore information, but like I
said I never really had a chance to talk to him about it. Thanks for the help in advance!
Todd Ellis
- Date:
- 10/21/2001
- Time:
- 4:06:05 PM
- I am looking for a B26 pilot who was involved in the bombardment of Balikpapan in
Indonesia on 29/30 April 1958. I was chief radio officer on a Dutch passenger ship
"Tjiluwah" when the incident took place. We were not hit but several other ships
in the vicinity were not so lucky. The name of the pilot was either Powell or Pope. He was
later shot down and paraded through the streets of Djakarta . Somehow he was released and
made it safely back to the U.S. Since I now also live in the U.S. it would be nice to
compare notes. Thanks, Harm Wijma.
- Date:
- 10/20/2001
- Time:
- 10:06:08 PM
- Wladisiaus F. Lizak (a.k.a. "Wally" "Lie") BombGp:
456th. Squadron: Years: 2/42- 10/45. Hi, I'm in search of any info about Walter
Lizak. He was a crew chief on a B-26 named the "b-line". dates of
service were 2/42-10/ 45. I believe he was overseas with the 9th Air Force in England,
France , and Germany. (465th bomb squadron) thanks and I would appreciate any info. John
- Date:
- 10/20/2001
- Time:
- 3:46:25 PM
- Antonio Gandara BombGp: 17th Squadron: 95th Years: Class: 1953
Location: Langly Field, Virginia. I am not of WWII vintage. I was at K-9 during 1953 all
the way to Sep 27. By the way I was a gunner. My navigator was Lt. Edward A. Leonard
(Spokane, WA) and my pilot was Lt. Kenneth F. DeGroot (Waterloo, Iowa).
- Date:
- 10/18/2001
- Time:
- 7:53:16 PM
- William Royal Fisher BombGp: Squadron: My grandfather lost his life in
the Korean War. I recently found out that he was a pilot of a B-26 prior to the war. His
name was Cpt. William Royal Fisher or Bill Fisher. He was stationed at Floyd Bennett Naval
Air Station in Ny. (even though he was the Air Force Reserves). He also flew for Capitol
air lines prior to the war. He had a buddy by the name of Tom Crane who flew with the
above mentioned air line. Any info on Cpt. William Royal Fisher or Tom Crane
would help my family alot. Micheal B. Smith Bridgeport, Tx
- Date:
- 10/18/2001
- Time:
- 12:01:21 PM
- Michele Davis BombGp: TBA Squadron: TBA Years: 1942-1945. My father, Arthur D.
Johnson, was in the Army Air Corp. from 1942 until he retired from the Air Force
in the '60s. I was born in North Africa in 1961 when my dad was stationed there. I believe
he flew left seat in the Marauder but I'm not entirely sure. His friends called
him A.D., Duey or Johnny. He and his squadron adopted a little dog and I think
his name was Beers. He loved to play pinochle and he was the person you wanted in your
corner because he would fight to the death to protect you. He was shot down over Germany
but not injured and he didn't pass away until 1979. If you knew my dad, please get in
touch with me. Thank you!
- Date:
- 10/14/2001
- Time:
- 10:26:21 PM
I am looking for information on the bomber "Little Mary Gay". The crew
contained J.L Ashby and D.E Scarborough, Jr.
J.L Ashby: 449 Bomb Sq.; 36, 305, 553; Air Flight Chief 750; B-26.
- Thanks,
Dennis L. Ashby
Son of Jess L. Ashby
- Date:
- 10/11/2001
- Time:
- 11:24:20 PM
- Brad Robinson Years: 1941/42 My step-father, Robert B Williams, from Arizona was a
radio/gunner er on a B-26. He was stationed in North Africa in 1941/42. If anyone knew him
or his squadron please e-mail me. This is all the info I have. Brad Robinson
- Date:
- 10/10/2001
- Time:
- 7:24:39 PM
- Robert Lee BombGp: 386 Squadron: 554 Years: 1942-45 My father, John F. Lee,
flew a B-26 aircraft for 79 missions during 1943 and 1944. He flew on D-Day and over
Holland and France. He died in 1983 and my brother and I were wondering if anyone had any
recollections of him.
- Date:
- 10/8/2001
- Time:
- 2:02:38 PM
- Phil Blair BombGp: 387th Squadron: 558th Years: 1943.44 Class: 43b
Location: Stockton, Calif. Just got back from the reunion of the 387th at San Diego. It
was great. Met the young man who started this web site and his wife. His dad was a flight
engineer in 387th and was on Harkin`s crew. I was a co pilot on Wiese`s crew then flew a
few missions as first pilot with new crews as they joined group. Flew 65 missions.
- Date:
- 10/6/2001
- Time:
- 9:43:46 AM
- Grady Kerr What a Great web site - Thanks for the work you put into it. I invite you to
visit my website and add me to your links if you don't mind. I'll add yours to mine.
Thanks again gk
- Date:
- 10/4/2001
- Time:
- 10:50:12 PM
- Sara Willcox Youngblood. My brother, Lt. Col. Grover C. Willcox, Jr.
flew the B-26, "The Texas Terror" during WW II and loved every minute of it. I'm
sorry I don't know all the other details, yrs., co-pilot, etc., but I'll ask him. He loves
to talk about it. Sara Willcox Youngblood
- Date:
- 10/4/2001
- Time:
- 9:10:26 PM
- Hayne Coleman. I worked as the artist with a member of the 387th BG 558th BS on a color
drawing about 5 yrs ago. I am a stickler for accuracy and have been looking for the town
ever since. The mission was a Noballs site in the area of ZUDAQUEST. I have lost the date
of the mission.
- Date:
- 9/30/2001
- Time:
- 8:48:35 PM
- Robin Richards BombGp: 438th Squadron: 319th Years: 1941-1944 Class: Unk Location: Unk.
I am the son of the late Shirley Glenn Richards (1913-1972), aka
"rich", "pappy", or possibly "ole man". I have photgraphs of
him with "The Big Ass Bird",134-938 . Hand written on the back of photo is
"crashed up in landing 7/13/44; crew: J.M. Johnson?, M. Karrind? and me; missions
completed 120; retired 8/20/44; transferred 10/1/44; missions completed 145. Writing on
photo is some what faded. Anyone with any information regarding the aircraft and/or my
father would be greatly appreciated.
- Date:
- 9/28/2001
- Time:
- 11:26:05 PM
- Ken Larsen BombGp: 397 Squadron: ? Years: 43-45 Location: Waco Army
Airfield. My name is Todd McGuire and I am trying to piece together some background on my
wife's Grandfather. His name is Kenneth Larsen of Elk Horn, Iowa. Ken
Larsen passed away in the early 70's and his war record was not kept in the family. Since
the birth of our son (Ken Larsen's Great Grandson) I have been attempting to discover more
about his record to insure his service is honored throughout our family's generation. I
know he was a B-26 pilot and was awarded an Air Medal. His major campaigns were Ardennes,
Rhineland, and Central Europe He was awarded the Air Medal with 1st SOLC and 1st BOLC WAME
Th Ribbon with 3 Bronze battle stars His B-26 had "Idiots Delight" painted on
the side If anyone could help me find out more about the campaigns of 397th, what the Air
Medal signifys, anything would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Todd
- Date:
- 9/28/2001
- Time:
- 7:42:42 PM
- BombGp: 387 Squadron: 556. My father, Lt. Burton J. Anderson, was
the pilot of a B-26 Marauder Nicknamed "Tabasco" Tail Number 131686. I am
looking for information about the missions he and his crew flew during the war. Since I
was only a teenager when my father passed away in 1977, I was never able to ask him about
this part of his life. I only know that he did fly about 53 missions while in the war. Any
infomation abouthis crew or missions would be greatly appriciated. Thank you, Leif
- Date:
- 9/28/2001
- Time:
- 4:13:33 PM
- Arthur Kramer BombGp: 344 Squadron: 494 Years: 1943-46 Class: 43
Location: Big Spring Texas.
- Date:
- 9/26/2001
- Time:
- 2:57:36 PM
- Robert Breidenthal Years: 1942 Class: 41A Location: Kelly. I graduated
from flying school in class 41A on Feb 7,1941. I instructed in B-26's at Barksdale in
1942. Flew them also in Dayton and at hunter field in Savannah. I thought the 26's were
great and easy to fly. I can't remember the unit I was in at Barksdale. I test flew them
in Dayton in accelerated service tests at Dayton. Tested them in Savannah. Reckon old age
has wiped out most of my old contemporaries. My advice -- Hang loose.
- Date:
- 9/20/01
- Time:
- 7:47:49 AM
- Michael Jones BombGp: 387 Squadron: 557. I am the nephew of S/SGT Wetzel
Kimball, 387th B.Grp. 557th Sq. I have learned that the aircraft that he was a
crew member of was "Five by Fives." I am hoping that someone out there may have
photos of the crew, or any information at all. I thank you for your great website; it has
brought our family much information that I never thought we would have. Any help from
anyone would be greatly appreciated. God Bless.
- Date:
- 9/18/01
- Time:
- 2:11:04 PM
- Anthony Gore Van Antwerp BombGp: 323 Squadron: 453 Years: 1942-45
Class: 42G Location: Lake Charles, LA. My father is interested in hearing from
people in the 453rd squadron with whom he served. He was a pilot based in Earlscone,
England from 1943-44. His plane was the Flying Dutchman #726. Thank you
- Date:
- 9/17/01
- Time:
- 2:32:06 PM
- Michael Risk BombGp: ? Squadron: ? I have found a photo of the crew of the aircraft my
brother, Charles Risk, flew with. Is it possible any of the crew are
still around. The photo was taken in front of the nose of a B-26 with BG4 on the nose of
the aircraft. This is written at the bottom of the photo. Lt. Reindollar (pilot),
F.O. Kelly (co-pilot), Spangler (Bomb-nav), Cpl. Risk (amg),Cpl.Myers (romg),Cpl. Martin
(amg). (331AAF)23dec44. 44x220. Barksdale La. Contact me if you have any
information. Regards and God Bless. Mike.
- Date:
- 9/14/01
- Time:
- 9:18:22 PM
- Walter R. Walker BombGp: 320 Squadron: 442 Years: Class: 1944 Location:
Barksdale AFB, La. Looking for any members of the 320 BG 442 BS Station in Sardinia. Was
also in Decimo. Was temporarly assigned to the 444 BG (B25) in England 335 BG - 26 April
1944 R.T.U School (Nose Number B 01 in crew picture) shows: Lt. Estes (pilot), Lt.
Wells (co-pilot), Lt. Stough (bomb nav) Sgt. Walker (me--- eng-gunner), Sgt. Simec
(radio-gunner), Sgt. Ward (armorer-gunner).
- Date:
- 9/14/01
- Time:
- 8:13:16 AM
- Bob Witty BombGp: 344 Squadron: Years: 1942-1945. I am interested in
corresponding with any crew member who might have been on one of the two B-26's I took
from MacDill field to Wright-Patterson in the summer of 1942 for Accelerated Service
testing. (For some writing about the early days of the Marauder.) BW
- Date:
- 9/10/01
- Time:
- 6:04:42 PM
- George R. Price BombGp: 22nd Squadron: 2 Years: 5 Class: 1940 Location:
Langley Field. If anyone in the 2nd sqdn. reads this, and remembers me please e-mail me
with details and I will respond. Regards, George
- Date:
- 9/10/01
- Time:
- 12:26:06 PM
- Danny Cox. Friend of Ben Hicks.
- Date:
- 9/8/01
- Time:
- 10:48:29 AM
- Jeffrey K. Ashby BombGp: 17th Squadron: 95th Years: 1943/44. Hi, I am the son of Technical
Sergeant George Marion Ashby. My father flew 63 missions in Northern Africa,
Italy, Sicily, and France. He was a tail-gunner. I would just like to know if anybody has
any information on him or his missions. I have some pictures and information if anybody is
interested. I have some pictures of the New York Central II B-26 bomber that was taken
from another airplane. I have old orders and citations.
- Date:
- 9/6/01
- Time:
- 4:10:38 PM
- Michael Risk. I am looking for information on my brother, T/Sgt Charles G. Risk.
I would like to hear from anyone who flew with or knew him. He was crew chief gunner on
B-26's. At the end of the war he was station at Kitzengin, Germany. Regards and God Bless.
- Date:
- 9/3/01
- Time:
- 8:33:23 PM
- Edward J. Kleysteuber (deceased) BombGp: 387th Squadron: 557th Years:
3yrs 8mos. Battles and Campaigns :GO33& 40 WD 45 Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes,
Central Europe Duties: Airplane Mechanic and Gunner 748 Name of plane: HOT ROCK? My name
is Kenneth A. Wilson. I am the grandson of T-Sgt Edward J. Kleysteuber. I wish I could
supply more information. But upon my Grandfathers death in 1996 There is not much for me
to go on. I have copies of his discharge papers and a few pictures. Watching shows and
specials on WWII one would think that somewhere they would mention the B-26. You hear all
about the B-25's, B-17's and P-51's but never anything about the B-26. Why is that? Why
don't they recgonize it? It's upsetting to me that all the men that flew in B-26's have
taken a back seat. I regret never really talking to my Grandfather about his life in the
war. By the time I took interest it was too late. Whatever information You could supply I
would appreciate. Kenneth A. Wilson
- Date:
- 9/1/01
- Time:
- 3:33:09 PM
- Raul Pompa BombGp: 387 Squadron: 557 Years: 1941-1945. looking for information regarding
387th bg, 557th bs, b-26, tail number 334-151, crash at la neuville, france, on
11/25/1944. specifically, any usaff investigation reports or other documentation of crash.
crew as follows: william f. ray (pilot), dennis o. jones
(co-pilot), raul pompa (engineer-gunner), preston l. prejean
(radio operator)*, james dubois (navigator)*, james f. padgett
(bombardier)*, wetzel c. kimball (gunner)*. regular crew member wesley a.
anderson (gunner) was not on mission. kimball subbed for anderson. families of pompa,
kimball and prejean have made contact. looking for families of ray, jones, dubois, padgett
and anderson. * killed in crash
- Date:
- 8/25/01
- Time:
- 3:38:24 PM
- Warren Beukema BombGp: 17th Squadron: 432nd Years: 42-45. I was in the
17th Bomb Group, 95th Sqd, then transferred to 432nd Sqd, still in 17th BG. Mechanic Crew
Chief; Arrived in Africa Christmas Eve, 1942, came home October 1945. Stationed in
Casablanca, Africa; Dijon, France; Austria; Northern France. All on B-26 Marauders.
- Date:
- 8/24/01
- Time:
- 1:46:07 PM
- Does anyone know the whereabouts of Thoms J. Lotina. Hw was a pilot with the 387th Bomb
Group, 557th Bomb squadron station at A-71 Clastres France in 1944-45.
- you left out your name and email
- Date:
- 8/24/01
- Time:
- 12:10:23 PM
- Ray Mitchell. My Dad, Leo Mitchell, was a flight engineer, initially
trained on the B-26 at the Glenn L. Martin factory school, Middle River, MD in the Spring
of 1943, and completed aircrew training at McDill Army Airfield, FL in the Fall of 1943.
He was subsequently assigned to a B-26 Tow Target Squadron at Wendover AAF, UT, in the
Winter of 1943. I'm interested in contacting anyone who may know my Dad or was assigned to
Wendover Tow Target Units during late 1943 - early 1944.
- Date:
- 8/20/01
- Time:
- 10:52:23 PM
- Albert Sutter -- tail gunner. BombGp: 452 Squadron: 322 Years: 3 1/2
Class: Location: Send: send Date: Time: Comments: I would like to hear from
anyone from 452nd group or 322 squadron. I flew 55 missions in the B 26 Marauder. My pilot
was James Rollins. I flew in "Lady be good"-"Ol' Pappy"-"Weary
Lena"-"Frances"-&"Dragon Lady". I was stationed at Braintree,
England in 1944.
- Date:
- 8/20/01
- Time:
- 3:51:48 PM
- Mitch Ellington. I am researching the WW II activities of a family member, Col.
Glenn Nye. Though the family has some data, I am looking for more data regarding
Col. Nye's experience with the 332 BG. I would be very appreciative of any material. Are
there any personal memories of Col. Nye? Off hand I remember Col. Nye was the 322
Bomber Group Commander. He took over the 322BG May 1943 after all B26s were grounded as
the result of disastrous low level bombing over Belgium. This Group became known as "
Nye's Annihilators". At that time the 322 Bomber Group was under 8th Air Force and
was transferred to 9th Air Force Oct. 1943. I think the Group was stationed at Andrews
Field in England and then transferred to France. I would like to find the chain of command
for 8th and 9th Air Force from the commander through the Bomber Groups. Where can I find
this ? Can you supply this info? Thank you, Mitch Ellington
- Date:
- 8/18/01
- Time:
- 1:19:00 PM
- Rubin Kichen BombGp: 397 Squadron: 598 Years: 44-45. On Feb 16, 1945, I
was shot down. Tail gunner 23rd mission.
- Date:
- 8/17/01
- Time:
- 9:27:18 PM
- Joe Wilkinson BombGp: 323 Squadron: Group Hdqrs Years: 3. Joined 323 at
Myrtle Beach S.C. in October. There was 80 of us that was sent from the Induction Center.
Camp Attabery, Indiana to McDill Field in Tampa Fla. to the 323rd Bomb Group. When we
arrived in Tampa the 323 had been moved to Myrtle Beach. In three days we were loaded on a
train and sent to Myrtle Beach. When we arrived at Myrtle Beach and unloaded at Group
Headquarters. The acting Corporal was told to report to Col. Thatcher.He walked into the
Colonel office handed him the envelope they gave him in McDill and set down on the corner
of the Colonel's desk. At this the Top Sgt. let out a scream that could be heard for
blocks. All of us could hear this when the Colonel said "Take it easy Sgt. how long
have these soldiers been in the Army."The acting corporal replied 5 days sir.So after
much discussion we were split up 20 men to each Squadron. I ended up in the 455th
Squadron, Where I was made duty clerk in the Orderly room. So I spent 3 years in the Air
Force never pulled a night of guard duty. Never was on K.P. Never had a day of basic
training. The other 19 soldiers ended up as cooks,truck drivers and a few ended up as
gunners on the B26.
- Date:
- 8/17/01
- Time:
- 1:35:38 PM
- Michael Groom, Jr. My father, the late Capt. Michael Farmer Groom, was
a pilot of the B-26 assigned to the 323rd Group. His squadron's plane had the White Stripe
on the wing. I do not have the squadron number but will research it. He was decorated with
the DFC, AM with 12 OLC and the Bronze Star and is buried at the Golden Gate national
cemetery in San Bruno, California. I was 12 when he died and do not have much of his
service-year documents. He did leave me a book however, called Flak Bait about experiences
of B-26 crews and operations. I will post again when I have more to write. I love this
web-site. Thank you for providing it!
- Your father was with the 455th bomb squadron 323rd bomb group. Assigned as a 2nd. Lt
he rose in rank to be a Captain. TA
- Date:
- 8/17/01
- Time:
- 4:15:54 AM
- Robert Notestine BombGp: ? Squadron: ? Years: 3? Class: 1940 Location:
Texas. My father, Ronald E. Notestine (1920-2000) joined the Army Air
Corp in 1940 and schooled in Texas. I have to look it up but can find the field. (I know
they made a movie there about pilots in training while he was there. He was a pilot of
B-26's in New guinea in '42,43. Also flew an ambulance plane over the Owens-Stanley
Mountains evacuating Aussie wounded for which he received the MBE from King George 6th.
Also rec'd the Air Medal and purple heart. In 43or 44 he contracted malaria and was sent
home. I may be able to send more info after looking through his things.
- Date:
- 8/17/01
- Time:
- 12:11:56 AM
- James Michael Sweeney BombGp: 322 Squadron: 451 Years: 42-44 Class: 42
Location: U of Texas. James was my mother's brother. He played end for Texas prior to
entering the air service in April of 42. He was a pilot. His plane was hit on D-day +6 and
lost an engine and crashed in a French hedge row. Three crew men survived. James and the
rest were lost. We would appreciating hearing from any one who knew him or how we might
learn more of his service. Charles B. Johnson
- Date:
- 8/15/01
- Time:
- 11:50:32 AM
- Michael Hines BombGp: 387 Squadron: 557 Years: 44-45. My father, Don Hines,
was a copilot in the 557th Squadron, flew 30 missions. I was wondering if anyone knew him.
- Date:
- 8/15/01
- Time:
- 9:52:31 AM
- My father was 1st Lt. C.M. (Larry) Bollinger. He was stationed with the
391bg/573Sq at Matching Green, England. He received his training at Lubbock, Texas in '43,
and trained on the B26 at Dodge City, Kansas. There he met and courted a green eyed blond
who worked at the PX. After transferring to Lake Charles, Louisiana he sent for her and
they were married in December '43. He was then sent to Avon Park, Florida to pick up his
plane, flew the south Atlantic route, arriving in Matching Green in February '44. After 69
missions, 4 on D-day, he returned to Dodge City to become an instructor on the B26. After
the War, he stayed in the area to farm with his father-in-law. At the age of 31 he
contacted polio. For the rest of his life he maneuvered his wheelchair with the same calm
courage, skill and determined grace that every man who flew a B26 must have possessed.
Once you met the man, you didn't see the wheelchair, and the term 'handicap' was never
mentioned. It is easy to honor such a father. He left us in 1985 from reoccurring
complications due to the polio. My mother's country home was on a farm just half-a-mile
south of the practice landing field at Jetmore, Kansas. The main runway from this strip
still exists and now an Airfield for the county. Another note. After visiting the old air
strip in Matching Green, England in 1998, my husband and I discovered the Imperial War
Museum at Duxford Airfield. It is a wonderful place to visit. There we found a book titled
"UK Airfields of the Ninth then and now" by Roger A. Freeman. It contains
pictures, maps and descriptions of every Ninth Bomb Group's airfield. Upon opening to the
section on the field at Matching Green, I found a picture of my father and his bombardier Richard
W. Gibson. I shall always treasure this book. I hope to return to Matching Green
and use the information from this book to help understand the layout of the field. Thanks
for the this site, and a chance to honor my father. Carolyn Heatwole
- Date:
- 8/15/01
- Time:
- 3:46:23 AM
- D. F. Hostetter. I am interested in the history of the B26 during WW2. My uncle, George
O. Isted (Sgt. USAAF)(1918-2000), was an aerial photographer flying in B26s. He
landed in North Africa on D-Day + 2 and flew from bases in North Africa, Sardinia, Corsica
and southern France. He was inducted at Riverside, CA and trained, I believe, in
Shreveport, LA, before shipping out for overseas duty where he served from 1942 until the
end of the war. I would appreciate any information on how I can learn more about that
phase of the war effort. My thanks and a proud salute to all of you who served in that
noble cause and for the freedom of people everywhere.
- Date:
- 8/13/01
- Time:
- 10:51:59 PM
- Tom Keenan. My uncle, Corporal Robert L. Saas, was an armorer in the
1st Pathfinder Squadron (M) (Prov). He died in 1978 and we never talked about his time in
the ETO. This squadron, according what I have found on the net, was attached to the 397th
BG. Are there any books, articles, websites, etc. that are available describing the
history of this unit in 1944 & 1945?
The 1st Pathfinder squadron was formed from a cadre of the 322nd Bomb Group at Great
Saling,(Andrewsfield), Essex county. The original commanding officer was Major Robert A
Porter a member of the 452nd BS 322nd Bomb Group.The eight
original Pathfinder crews were drawn from the other operational B26 Groups in
England. Three crews from the 322nd BG; three crews from 323rd BG; three crews from 386th
BG; three crews from the 387th and three crews from the 391st.BG.
Crews were transferred to the 1st.PFS complete with their B26's and crew chiefs.
Operations commenced 21st February 1944 when Maj. Porter led the 322nd bomb group to Coxyde
airfield, Belgium.
Response from Trevor Allen, Historian, B26.COM
- "Although to TO called for a squadron strength of 18 planes, 24 planes were
eventually on the strength at Great Saling of which 22 had constantly to be available.
14th June 1944 the squadron carried out the first night pathfinder mission to Coutances,
24th September 1944 the squadron moved to Beauvais/Till, France still with the 322nd BG.
9th October 1944 first mission flown from Beauvais/Tille.
During December 1944 the squadron commander Lt.Col.Robert A Porter was succeeded by Lt.
Col.Bill Hale.
7th January 1945 the squadron moved to Mouchy-la-Gach near St Quentin, France.
27th April 1945 the squadron moved to Venlo,Holland,here were also based the 394th and
397th BG's.
3rd May 1945 led the last bombing raid by the 9th.AAF to the Stod Ammon ammunition plant,
I trust this gives you some idea of the squadrons operations and structure, but should I
be able to help further please let me know.
Trevor Allen
- Date:
- 8/12/01
- Time:
- 10:28:27 PM
- The 556th, 557th, 558, and 559th bomb squadrons of the 387th Bomb Group is having their
reunion in San Diego, Oct 3 to Oct 7, At the Handlery Hotel.
- Date:
- 8/9/01
- Time:
- 10:24:03 PM
- Rubin Kichen BombGp: 397 Squadron: 598 Years: 3. Flew 23
missions. Shot down February, 16th 1945. There were pictures of our plane going down. Saw
a print a long time ago. If any one has a copy, please contact me. The planes name was 4F.
- Date:
- 8/08/01
- Time:
- 11:50:05 AM
- Davd Divinity Danner BombGp: 320th Squadron: 441st Years: 3y,9m,7d
Class: 42 Location: Scott Field. David D. Danner is my Father. He was a Radio Operator and
Waist Gunner. Trained at Scott Field. The Name of his B-26 was the Dusty Devil. He was
500 missions in a series of 6 Major Campaigns, which has seen the MARAUDERS targets move
From AFRICA to Germany. Cited by the war Dept. as a Distinguished Unit, they have also
been awarded The CROIX DE GUERRE by GENERAL DeGaulle and the French goverments for
outstanding Combat Achievements. Tunisia, Rhineland, Air Offensive Europe. I will find out
his Squadron. Thank you ever so much God Bless you all!!! Sam Danner (No valid email
- Date:
- 8/06/01
- Time:
- 12:02:17 PM
- Hello Mike, I am publishing my book about my memoir as a combat
infantryman in WWII in Patton's Third Army. In chapter 20 I tell about the battle of
Struth, Germany. We were in Patton's Raiders riding shotgun in his new Pershing
Tanks when we were attacked by 22 Panzers at Struth. We had been cut off from all of
our support.but they got some truck thru and took us out of there. When we left there on
trucks we were strafed by some Me-109 s and then were attacked by two B-26s who
were making their second pass over us. I was the one that got out and displayed the color
panels that saves us. They closed their bomb bay doors just prior to getting
in range to drop their bombs. They were about 3,000 feet above us. They immediately
closed their bomb bay doors and dipped their wings and flew on back towards Struth.
My book will be out by November. My web site is: http://www.atestoffaithandcourage.com,
Oscar B Ladner
- Date:
- 7/30/01
- Time:
- 10:45:59 PM
- Charles W. McKenna BombGp: 323 Squadron: 454/455 Years: 43-44. My father, Captain
Charles W McKenna, age 82, was a B-26 pilot for 26 missions in the 323 Bomb Group
in the 454 Squadron in the European theater, stationed in SW England. Before this he was a
co-pilot for 39 missions with the 323 Bomb Group, 455 Squadron. I possess his flight log
notes that contain vivid details of his missions over primarily France. The co-pilot notes
are still in his possession. While bombing the beaches east of Cherbourg on D-Day one of
the bombs got hung up on its shackle. My father mentions that the bombardier, a Lt.
Houston, wearing no parachute and standing on the catwalk, managed to roll the bomb that
was hung up on the open door of the B-26 out of the plane just before they made it back to
the Cliffs of Dover. My father goes on to say that Lt. Houston never received a medal for
this heroic act, even though my father put in for one. Does any one else remember this
bombardier? Or does anyone remember my father? Please contact his son, Timothy McKenna
(e-mail request to B26.com) and I can put you in touch with my computerless dad in NC. PS
My dad just recently received a special medal from France for being a D-Day participant.
- Date:
- 7/30/01
- Time:
- 12:00:42 PM
- Dan Knox BombGp: 397th Squadron: 597th Years: 1942-45. My father, Freal C Knox,
was a B-26B pilot flying with the 597th Squadron out of "Station 168," which was
in England someplace. My wife and I are vacationing in England this fall, and I hope to
visit the area where he was based. He was there April through the end of June, 1944, when
his aircraft was shot down over France. Captured, he spent the remainder of the war in POW
camps. Anybody out there perhaps know where Station 168 may have been?
- Date:
- 7/29/01
- Time:
- 12:27:54 PM
- Warren M. Grymes Years: 2.5. Although I never was a flyer with
the B26 I did work on the building of the first one at the Middle River Plant. I was a
milling machine operator in the main machine shop there for two years. 1939 til 1941 and I
made a lot of parts for the first 26 and as I remember there was not a prototype made of
that plane.
- Date:
- 7/28/01
- Time:
- 11:31:39 PM
- Jack Hanlon 1st L. Years: 9-24-44 RE: TO WAYNE APPLING REQUEST
HORNET" I AM JACK HANLON'S sister in NORTH BEND ,OHIO. We just visited London and
found my brother's name in the book of honor in ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL in the AMERICAN
MEMORIAL CHAPEL . We decided to for any info. on him and come a crossed your request. What
a surprise. JACK'S plane was the GREEN HORNET and he was killed in a mid air crash in
England on 9-24-44. HE has a son TOM A. HANLON living in MEMPHIS, TENN. HE has a picture
of his dad and the b 26. He has more info. about squadron, bomb group etc. we would love
to know of your interest and why.WE have rekindled a new interest in any info. you may
have for us. JACK was loved by everyone he met and is a great lose to our family, HE WAS
THE CREAM OF THE CROP! THRER ARE many relatives here, siblings, grandchildren, and a loyal
mother who recently died at age 103 and was a GOLD STAR member all her life.
- Date:
- 7/28/01
- Time:
- 2:41:25 PM
- Harold Simmons BombGp: 344 Squadron: 497 Years: 1945. I was a
tail gunner on the B26. No assigned plane number on the missions listed below: Would like
to have any information on any target cities from March 8 to April 24, 1945 Mission Dates
were March 8,11,11,12,13,15,16,18,23,23,25,28; April 8,9,9,12,17,17,19,24.
- Date:
- 7/24/01
- Time:
- 7:37:07 PM
- John "Jack" Albert Hobson BombGp: 391 Squadron: 575 Years:
1943-1944 Class: 43-H Location: Eagle Pass, TX. I am looking for surviving crew or any
information on my brother-in-law John A. "Jack or Pajo" Hobson (Mississippi),
co-pilot of B-26 "1880" painted on the fuselage. He was Killed in Action 6-7-44
after the aircraft was shot down and crewmembers parachuted out -- 2 survivors. Partial
list of crew: 2nd Lt (Captain) LeRoy R Sullivan (Minnesota), T/Sgt Joesph F
Roberge (NH), and S/Sgt Kenneth D Peterson (Kansas). Thank you and God Bless all
crewmembers of the B-26! Mrs. William J. Hobson Sr.
- Jack Hobson was lost while serving with the 391st Bomb Group 575th Bomb Squadron on
7th June 1944 The B26 serial number 42-95848 coded 08-N was hit by flak, fell out of
formation to the right and under control. Four parachutes were seen, then the B26 fell out
of control and crashed into an open field north of Brouze, France. TA
- Date:
- 7/22/01
- Time:
- 1:12:13 AM
- Roger C. Martin BombGp: 344th Squadron: 494th Years: 43-44. I'm looking for any info on
my father, I know that the BS he flew with were call the Silver Streaks. The # on his B-26
was 42-107679. His pilots name was Carson W. Carrington, I would like to find anyone who
may have known him or my father. My fathers name was Wayne L. Martin. Mr.Carrington was
not only my fathers pilot, but was one of his best friends. So much so that my father had
told my mother if she had a boy, that he wanted him named after his friend.So my middle
name is Carson. Any info that you may have,I would be very grateful. Thank you. Roger C.
- Date:
- 7/21/01
- Time:
- 7:26:22 AM
- Jim Creedon BombGp: 386th/397th Squadron: 552/596 Years: 1943-1945. Hi Marauder types.
Come to the annual B26 Martin Marauder meet at ESAM, Glenville NY located on NYS Rt50
North of Scotia,NY (was Schenectady County Airport)) The under reconstruction project
restoring a Marauder is well under way and the results can be seen by all at its new
prominent location at the Museum entrance The day is Aug 18 (afternoon) for this special
meeting or come when you can to see this great static Marauder. ( It will never
"fly" but is an almost complete airplane you can get into, (see ESAM website for
museum hours) prev yrs have brought all kinds of B26 people; usually a score or so turn
up. And there are lots of other museum & aircraft displays, all 1st class Come to the
Empire State Aerospace Museum
- Date:
- 7/20/01
- Time:
- 2:25:33 PM
- Jerry R. Dean Gentlemen: I have a friend named Norman Dudley who
flew 55 missions on a B-26 with the 9th Air Force. His aircraft was shot down on December
23rd, 1944 near Luxemburg (I believe) Mr. Dudley was a Captain at the time. We have
visited the B-26 at Fantasy of Flight a couple of times, each time it has been pretty
emotional for Mr. Dudley. I will try to get further information, frankly, I hadn't thought
to get the Bomb Group, Squadron etc. Thank you for what you guys are doing. We'll be back
with you, Jerry Dean
- Date:
- 7/19/01
- Time:
- 4:33:05 PM
- Pam Hale Trachta BombGp: 394th Squadron: 585th Years: 4 Class: 41-F Location: Ontario,
CA I am researching the life of my father, Capt. Robert A. Hale, who was
a flight instructor in Sacramento and Bakersfield, and then joined the European theater
around August of '44. He was stationed in Cambrai, France, was operations officer in the
fall of '44, and was shot down and killed on 2/21/45. I have retrieved an incredible
amount of information, but would always love more, especially if anyone out there
remembers him from training and instructing days. I am working on a book, but will change
names as appropriate!
- Date:
- 7/17/01
- Time:
- 7:41:24 PM
- RALPH M. WEFEL -- S/SGT Radio Op - Gunner BombGp: 323 Squadron: 455
Years: 1942 - 1946 Class: Location: Send: send Date: Time: Comments: Hello,
B-26 MARAUDER Vets: For a look at my WWII USAAF 323rd BG / 455th BS. I am posting this
message to help a Son of a 344th BG man of the 494th BS, who with his crew were shot down
on their last 60th mission over Venlow, Holland, on 23 Sept 1944. This father was S/SGT
WAYNE L. MARTIN, Engineer-gunner, and his inquiring son is ROGER L. MARTIN. Any
of you 344th BG Vets that knew S/SGT MARTIN in the ETO during WWII USAAF please email his
son above. OK ? Also, let ROGER MARTIN know if a 344th BG Reunion Group exists and who for
him to contact. You might mention my name and maybe place me as a CC in your message ? OK
? Thank you. GOD BLESS all us Old MARAUDER MEN ! Ralph and Elaine Wefel
- Date:
- 7/16/01
- Time:
- 9:21:04 AM
- Michael Joseph Donahoe BombGp: 394 Squadron: 584 Years: 1943-1946. I
was a radio gunner on B26 stationed in European Theatre of operations. Pilot of our crew
was Richard Bigelow, Seattle; co-pilot, George Burghardt, Brooklyn; Edward Locke,
Bombardier Navigator, Detroit; William Jardine, Engr. gunner, Ohio; Cecil Taylor, Armory
Gunner, Boise. Would like to hear from anyone of the above or anyone who might be
acquainted with them. Thanks for your help.
- Date:
- 7/13/01
- Time:
- 10:29:52 PM
- William P. Morton BombGp: 344th Squadron: 494 Years: 3-1/2 Class: 44-D
Location: Altus, OK.
- Date:
- 7/13/01
- Time:
- 9:51:01 PM
- Warren Buzz Buhler Lt.Col. U.S.A.F.Ret BombGp: 394 Squadron: 587 Years:
41 to 45 Class: 42 J Location: Victorville, Ca. Flew B-26s all during WWII. Instructed at
MacDill, Went to combat with the 394B Gp, Flew 65 in Europe, Came home and Instructed in
B-26s at Laughlin Field, Tx
- Date:
- 7/11/01
- Time:
- 1:51:15 PM
- John W. Dillman BombGp: 22nd Squadron: 2nd Years: 1942-45 Class: 43A
Location: Western Training
- Date:
- 7/11/01
- Time:
- 12:56:07 AM
- Diamond Hoover Anderson/Betty Anderson BombGp: 17th Squadron: 171? MacDill/Florida. My
Father was Diamond H. Anderson whom flew in a B26. Does anyone have any
information/memories with the 17th that knew him? He was nicknamed: Andy Anderson. Friends
names I have: Glen Hotelin/Florida and "Tough Shit". Thank You very much. And
thank you for your service. Betty-
- Date:
- 7/10/01
- Time:
- 2:18:27 PM
- Richie Kalt. I was born in 45. My father, Bernie Kalt, was a
ground test pilot at Glenn L. Martin Co. Every night at dinner my sister, brother and
myself were test on the B-26 and it's working parts. I feel as if I could fly one even
though I have never seen one.
- Date:
- 7/10/01
- Time:
- 5:02:04 AM
- Gabriel Quoirin BombGp: 387 Squadron: Years: 1944. On December 25th. at about 10.30am. a
B-26 either 42-107606 pilot 1st Lt. Alexander or 43-34303, pilot 1st LT. Neff, crashed on
the southern edge of the Forest of Rulles( Belgian province of Luxembourg ) The plane
burned after having hit the trees at the said place " Le Prochene" I have tried
to contact the Archives at Maxwell AFB on two occasions without success. Who would have
the details on this crash. I was 14 years old at that time and have just retired in 1989
as a Nato Civil Servant at SHAPE, where I still surf from. I wish to be contacted by
people who themselves need to know about site crashes in Belgium or Luxemburg country. Tks
Gabriel A+ :-)
- Date:
- 7/9/01
- Time:
- 11:06:01 PM
- James C. Houston BombGp: 22nd Squadron: 2nd&19th Years: 42-44
Class: 42-8 Location: Victorville, Calif. This is an interesting Site. However you have no
mention of the origingal B26 Group. The 22nd Bomb Group stated flying the B26 in 1940
until December of 1943.
- Date:
- 7/8/01
- Time:
- 5:06:18 PM
- CEPPARO, Bruno BombGp: Squadron: BRETAGNE Years: 1942-1945. Hello, I'm
a French pilot on the C135FR Tanker and my squadron wear the name of "BRETAGNE"
which is the name of a French squadron that operated in WWII on B26. This squadron was
created on January, 1st of 1942 and we'll celebrate the 60th anniversary of this squadron
next year. Do you know where there are some B26 flying today? In fact I'd like to make a
surprise to all the people still alive and who have flown on it. thank for your
- Bruno, what is your email address?
- Date:
- 7/8/01
- Time:
- 10:17:06 AM
- Pat De Santis BombGp: 320 Squadron: 444 Years: 1941-1945. I had 40 bombing
missions On Red Hot with Don Towns as radio oerator and turret gunner. The dates of my
missions were from April 23,1943 to Dec.18,1943. What was the criteria for awarding the
Air Medal during that period? I also had 12 sub patrol missions from Feb.13, 1943 thru
March 9, 1943. I was rotated to Atlantic City for a furlough and rest camp. I hope some
one from the 320 Bomb Group can give me a definitive answer to the awarding of the Air
Medal at that time period. Thank You, T/Sgt PJ De Santis
- Date:
- 7/7/01
- Time:
- 12:13:57 PM
- dion fisher BombGp: 397 Squadron: 598 Years: 1943-1945. to whom it may concern, i
am stationed with the 101 abn, and need help finding out about an award(s) that were given
to the crew of the leapin lena, my grandfather, 1 lt. norton was part of their grew as a
pilot and may have not gotten all of his awards and i would like to get them to him as a
surprise from me. any information about how to start paperwork or obtain them for him
would be of much help. dion fisher medic 101abn air assault
- Date:
- 7/7/01
- Time:
- 8:52:12 AM
- Cheryl Fisher BombGp: 397th Squadron: 598th Years: 1943-1945. My father was a
co-pilot and pilot in wwII. He was a member of the 397th, 598th squadron. His name is Maurice
D. Norton. He flew a plane with the name of Leapin Lena and served under Col.
Richard T. Coiner, Jr. A picture of him is in the nose art site. His group was
awarded medals for their performance during the war. He never did receive these medals. He
is 83 yr. old and doing fairly well. I would like to get these medals for him but I have
not got any idea how to go about it. I need to know what these medals were that the group
received and how to get them for him before he dies. He has told me he does not remember
what they are and at the time they were given did not think it was important to get them
but now he would like to have them. I would appreciate any help I could get on this as it
would mean so much to him. Thank you for any help you can give me. Cheryl Fisher
- Date:
- 7/6/01
- Time:
- 4:46:31 PM
- Katie Pearson My father flew a B26 Martin Marauder during WWII. He was shot down over
Germany...and spent 16 months in a POW camp. His name was James Durward Pearson.
Would anyone possibly know him or remember him? He may have been with the 555th Squadron
of the 386th Bomb Group.
- Date:
- 7/6/01
- Time:
- 1:38:00 PM
- Steven W. Hill BombGp: 44. I work at the Indiana War Memorial in
Indianapolis. We were recently given a photograph of a B-26 flying through flak over
France. The photo is supposed to be of the donor's brother's plane, or possibly taken FROM
the brother's plane. The brother was Sgt. Earl J. Parrish, in the 44th
Bomber Group, which so far as we know, was equipped with B-24's. Does anyone know (1) did
44th Bomber Group ever have B-26's (2) did 44th Bomber Group, in B-24's, ever fly missions
with any other group equipped with B-26's? Where and when answer to either question would
be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the assistance. Steven W. Hill Museum Specialist
(formerly A/229 Assault Helicopters)
- Date:
- 7/5/01
- Time:
- 3:50:42 PM
- Stephen Campbell Loder BombGp: 320th Squadron: group C.O. My Grandpa, Col.
Blaine B. Campbell, was the last C.O. of the 320th Bomb Group from 28 May 45 on.
I am trying to find out any information I can about him and his association with the
group. Please contact me if you have any information at all -- even if you didn't know him
and you were just in the group at that time. Thanks, Steve
- Date:
- 7/4/01
- Time:
- 1:31:03 PM
- Anthony Spagnolo BombGp: 397 Squadron: 596 Years: 1942-1945
Class: March '43 Location: Inglewood, California. I am wishing to get in contact with
former servicemen that I served with. I was a mechanic on 296-144 X2-C 596 squadron, 397
Bomb Group.
- Date:
- 7/3/01
- Time:
- 10:31:42 PM
- Ed Naddour BombGp: 387 Squadron: 557 Years: 1943-45. Am
interested in finding former crewman.
- Date:
- 7/3/01
- Time:
- 3:50:29 PM
- John Callahan BombGp: 344 Squadron: 336 Years: 1944. My
father, John Callahan, was a B-26 tailgunner in a B-26 in 344th Bomb
Group and 336th Bomb Squadron. After flying into Cornwall, England, from Marrakesh, he was
stationed in Burtonwood, England and then flew across to Belgium, near Florennes. He would
appreciate hearing from anyone who knew him in WWII. Thank you.
- Date:
- 7/3/01
- Time:
- 1:35:02 PM
- Michael Brande BombGp: 394 Squadron: 586 Years: 4 Class: 43I
Location: Ellington Field. Hi........I loved the B26. I am now 80 and feel I can still
take that baby off (it flew off easily) but landing may be a bit tougher. I go over the
check sheets every night while trying to fall asleep.
- Date:
- 7/1/01
- Time:
- 10:44:14 PM
- T/Sgt P.J. De Santis BombGp: 320 Squadron: 444 Years: 1942-1945.
I flew 40 missions with Capt. Don Towns from April 1943 thru Dec, 1943
and I was rotated stateside. I would like to know how many Air Medals I was awarded, I was
never officially notified. After every five missions an Air Medal was awarded. I would
like to know if this is a correct assumption.
- Date:
- 6/29/01
- Time:
- 1:17:26 PM
- Norman K. Bachert BombGp: 42 Squadron: 70 Years: 1940-1945 My father was top
turret gunner on B-26 called "The Crusader". Not sure how many missions he flew,
but know he was at Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, Figi's, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Grew
up hearing a lot of stories which I truly enjoyed. I have a photo of dad and crew
standing in front of "The Crusader", however, do not know the other crew
members. Any surviving crew members still out there or family members? Dad passed away in
1998. After dad got back to the states in 1944, he taught gunnery school. He was at McDill
field in FL. and also in Greenville, SC. He was discharged in October 1945 Thank You
- Date:
- 6/29/01
- Time:
- 10:30:09 AM
- Nancy Parrish My mom, Deanie Parrish, was a B-26 pilot...and says
it was a 'hot' plane. She loved flying it...and towing targets for the gunners practicing
for combat. She was stationed at Tyndall AFB. Mom was one of several WASP trained to fly
the B-26. Originally, they were trained as an 'experiment' to show the male cadets that
the airplane was safe to fly. Once the male pilots saw the WASP flying the B-26, the
accident rate in training was lowered and the morale was raised. Just thought I'd pass
that on...since it is not in your B-26 history. It is a fact...Hap Arnold and Jacqueline
Cochran planned it that way...and it worked! If you'd like to read more about it, mom's
scrapbook is. Blessings all around and best of luck with your website, Nancy
Parrish, Daughter of a WASP
- Date:
- 6/28/01
- Time:
- 12:05:07 AM
- John (Mac) Macaluso Years: 1941-?. I am John's granddaughter and seeking any
information on my grandfather. I believe he completed service as a Sgt. He was a
tailgunner and photographer on a B-26 medium bomber and served on many missions in the 9th
Air Division. If you flew with or knew John (Mac) Macaluso in any capacity, I would love
to hear from you. Grandpa is now deceased, and we would like to honor his service and his
memory. Thank you! Kelly Brown
- Date:
- 6/27/01
- Time:
- 10:14:48 PM
- 1st Lt. Lawrence M. Hohlaus (Larry) BombGp: 322nd Squadron: 1st
Pathfinder, Provisinal Years: '43, '44, '45 Class: 44B Location: Stuttgart, Arkansas. I
flew 41 missions as a Co-pilot, with 1st Pathfinder Sqdn., from Great Saling, England,
Beauvais, France and St. Quintin, France, from Sep'44 to May'45. Flight crew member's last
names I remember include Gaudette, Mayes, Brown, Bryson, Perry, Robertson,
Hammett, Wilgus, Shirey, Bartels, McAlpin, & Mathis. Would like to hear from
any of you who are still kicking. Best Wishes To All B-26 Veterans !!
- Date:
- 6/26/01
- Time:
- 6:19:52 AM
- Robin Broadfoot Hello, My Father, Albert Robert Broadfoot was
Bombadier on a B-26 in the ETO out of Belgium (9th Corps?) toward the end of the war. His
Commanders name was Maxwell, hence the ships nickname "Maxwell house- good to the
last drop". The graphic on the nose was of a cup of coffee. Dad is no longer alive,
but throughout my child hood I heard the stories and looked at the fotos of
"his" plane and crew. Unfortunately the fotos are gone. I would appreciate any
information or Photographs from this time from his crewmembers or archives. Any help or
background information would be of help to keep this significant past alive for his
grandchildren. Thanks, Robin Broadfoot
- Date:
- 6/24/01
- Time:
- 4:34:37 PM
- Rob Best BombGp: 322 Squadron: 354. This request is for my father, Ret.
Capt Thomas A Best Sr, I have his crew picture and would love to post it on the
site. He is alive and in Denton NC. Because of his health he has not been able to attend
the last three reunions. I found out about this site from a friend whose dad also flew the
26 in WWII. I told my dad about this site and he is excited about visiting it. Thanks for
doing this for the Marauder Men. Rob Best
- Date:
- 6/22/01
- Time:
- 2:07:51 PM
- John Seiders. I worked with a man named Charles Baker from Harrisburg
back in the 60's and 70's at tv 27 television station. Charlie was the chief engineer.
During the war he was a radio operator on b-26's. the irony of it is he helped to design
the radio system in the airplane when he worked for the company when they were designing
the plane. Then when he entered the service he had to attend the school to learn how to
operate them. that is the army for you.
- Date:
- 6/21/01
- Time:
- 10:55:28 PM
- Jerry Latiolais BombGp: 336 Squadron: Years: 1942-1945 My uncle, John Latiolais,
flew with the 336 Bomb Group (?) out of Castle Dawson, Northern Ireland....The name of the
base was Toonbridge (not sure of spelling)...He remembers the name of the pilot as Col.
Vernon W. Hughes who later lived in the Washington / Oregon area..... If anyone
has any info or knows where I might find additional info please let me know..... Thanks.
- Date:
- 6/21/01
- Time:
- 7:49:51 PM
- Bill Lawson BombGp: ??? Squadron: ??? Years: 1944 Class: ??? Location: ???. I have
a deceased second cousin = Walter Marshall Bailey from Summerville, SC.
He was a B-26 pilot stationed in England. He flew 65 combat missions - twice on D-Day -
0600 and 1800. He was awarded one DFC and about 12 Air Medals. He brought home at least 3
airplanes with battle damage. He survived WW II. How would I find reports about his
missions - esp. his mission where he was awarded a DFC? - his squadron? - his bomb group?
- the members of his crew? I appreciate any support and help. Bill Lawson
- Date:
- 6/21/01
- Time:
- 6:29:47 PM
- E. A. Moore BombGp: 386 Squadron: 555 Years: 1942 - 1945. I'm looking for anyone
who served with or knew my dad, Roland E. Wallace ("Wally"). He
served in the 9th AF, 386th BG, 555th bomb squadron. He was a turret gunner on one of the
B-26 Marauders, but can't remember the nickname of the plane anymore. They had a
"mascot" that they called the "Red Devil". He was in the service from
July 3, 1942 until September 27, 1945. He met and married my mom in or very near London,
England. He is still alive, was from Minneapolis, Minnesota and lives there now. He is 80
years old and has a pretty vivid memory once you get him started. I've heard from someone
that he may not be listed on the roster for the 386th. If anyone else has any information
about my dad or anyone who served with him or remembers him, please EMail me. Dad's
engineer was George Flemming and his bombardier was Ralph Mohr.
Ralph has passed away but he's not sure about George. Great site. EAMoore. God Bless.
- Date:
- 6/20/01
- Time:
- 2:36:21 PM
- Ken Norman BombGp: Squadron: Years: Class: Location: Send: send Date: Time:
My uncle, Walter Greer, was a tail gunner on the B-26 from 44-45. He gave
me some pictures of some of the planes he flew on when he was in the 391st/574 they are
Ruthless, Little Pink Panties, Baby Bumps 2, The Three Bears, with pilot Jerry
Moore in it. Have their names but no Tail # to find out what happened to them. If
you have that info would help me out. He also was in the 387thBG/557thBS the plane that I
have a picture of is Tail # 41-31799 Kiziyo pofoth 2nd / Egalet in one picture J. Bodard
is in front of it also a top turret or tail gunner. any info would be helpful. Thanks Ken
- Date:
- 6/19/01
- Time:
- 7:11:42 PM
- Ed Thorn BombGp: 391 Squadron: 572 Years: 42-46 Class: 43-6
Location: Victorville, CA. We would be interested in a joint reunion now that our numbers
have dwindled. Any interest? Let me hear from you.
- Date:
- 6/18/01
- Time:
- 4:29:55 PM
- Ward C. Swalewll, S/Sgt, Rad-Gnr, 599thBS, 397BG was
lost somewhere over Belgium or Luxembourg on 23 December 1944. As far a we know he
still remains an MIA. The pilot was a W. P. Cook. The Engineer was Frank
E. Lane. The tail gunner was Maurice Fevold. This
information was provided by a crew member of another aircraft, Robert E.
Myers, of Carrollville, Wisconsin in a letter dated 18 June 1945. He
was in the mission that was attacked by 50-60 German fighters. Is any kind of
memorial for the MIAs lost at that time? I would appreciate any information or
what source to contact or pursue. Any information you could provide would be greatly
appreciated. Warren S. Laird, Jr .
- Date:
- 6/18/01
- Time:
- 6:48:37 AM
- Carl Carrozza BombGp: 495 Squadron: 344. The search engines have not found my b26
site yet. Come visit at http://www.geocities.com/b26carrozza/.
The page includes the roll of enlisted men and officers of the 495th. I recently added
pictures of the crew of the Shopworn Angel and my Dad's bomber jacket and medals/awards. I
made a "morph" of my Dad from 1942 to present. It is pretty effective.
- Date:
- 6/18/01
- Time:
- 2:57:32 PM
- Larry Galmish BombGp: 387 Squadron: Years: 1943-44. I'm Larry Galmish, looking for
anyone who knew or has information about my father, Elvin J. Galmish,
B-26 pilot in the 387th group (I believe). Went down near Cherbourg, France on September
5, 1944, five days after I was born. His co-pilot was Gleason. Understand
all were lost save tailgunner. Interested in knowing anything about my father, if he
received word about my birth before he was lost, what type of man he was, etc. Heartfelt
thanks to all who fought with him and allowing all of us to live free.
- Date:
- 6/17/01
- Time:
- 11:25:38 PM
- Jesse Wade BombGp: 17 Squadron: 432 Years: 42-45 Location:
Barksdale. Looking for any crew members that may have known my Father, Jesse Wade. He was
from Oklahoma. My Dad flew 76 missions as a tail gunner. He flew with Boley,
Barton, Pratt, Wallace, Crocker, Webb, Carothers, Lellmon, Gear. Some of the
planes he was associated with were the Widow Maker, The Wolves, Sweet Sue, and
Sis. My dad is now deceased and never would talk to us about the war. It would be nice to
hear from some of his crew members. Thank you. Maurice Wade, I was named after one of his
crew members.
- Date:
- 6/17/01
- Time:
- 2:29:55 PM
- Conny Spann BombGp: ? Squadron: ? Years: Class: 43-I Location: Marfa, Texas on Oct
1, 1943. I'm searching for information about my uncle, Robert (Bob) Wingblade.
He was a B26 pilot who died Feb 29, 1944 en route from Ascension Island to Roberts Field,
Liberia. Bob entered Santa Ana Army Air Base in Nov 1942 and then attended flight training
at Mira Loma Flight Academy in Oxnard, CA. Two of his roommates were Clyde
Thompson and Jack Thomas. He was also at Gardner Field, Taft CA. He graduated
from Advanced Flying Shool at Marfa Army Airfield, TX on Oct 1, 1943, then continued
training at Barksdale Field, Shreveport LA through January 1944. He was assigned a new B26
at Savannah GA. Flew to Brazil, then to Ascension Islands in Jan/Feb 1944. Left Ascension
Island, destination Roberts Field, Liberia. Encountered severe weather. Two planes lost --
Bob's and one other. Other planes in the group report Bob's plane enter a cloud but didn't
see it come out. A scrapbook contains a decal "SQ 474" written in pencil. It's
round with a blue dog-like character dressed in green, holding yellow/red bombs in each
hand, getting ready to toss then down. Bob's parents and only sister (my mom) have passed
away. Bob hadn't married so there's no remaining family. I've become much more interested
in his pilot record, as my son's a cadet at USAFA and also plans to fly. Thanks for any
information you can provide.
- Date:
- 6/16/01
- Time:
- 10:19:11 PM
- Leslie L Palmer BombGp: 319 Squadron: 440 Years: 42-45 Class: 44-3
Location: Childress AAF. I am looking for any information on Ted Roper
and Merle Riley.They were classmates and I know Riley was KIA and won the
Silver Star. Also have information that Roper was KIA but do not have any other
information. I assume they were with the 9th in England.
- Date:
- 6/16/01
- Time:
- 5:33:35 PM
- Frank E. Larkin Jr. 1st Lt. B/N "Toid Boid" BombGp: 323
Squadron: 453` Years: 43-45 Class: Location: Albequerque, NM.
- Date:
- 6/15/01
- Time:
- 1:36:26 PM
- Suzanne Speed Powers BombGp: 320 Squadron: 443 Years: 44-45. My father, Lt.
Worth M. Speed, flew a B-26 Marauder 1944-45. Was captured in 1945. Just looking
for anyone who might have flown with him. He is celebrating his 80th birthday in July.
- Date:
- 6/14/01
- Time:
- 8:16:09 AM
- Joseph J. Mastrianni BombGp: 556,558,559 Squadron: 387 Years:
43-45 Class: 1943 Location: Keesler Field, Mississippi. I am registering for my Dad. He
loved this airplane and is always looking for a model to build. He also kept all his
metals and names of men he flew with. I would like to keep him updated if any of you are
out there. Tom Bourgeois, Callier, Digello, Wilford Moore.
- Date:
- 6/10/01
- Time:
- 12:50:25 PM
- Merton J. Silver BombGp: 387 Squadron: 558 Years: 1942-46 Class:
43-D Location: Yuma, AZ. Was instructor twin engine, volunteered and took my b26 training
at Fort Dodge, picked up crew at Barksdale and trained at Lake Charles, La. Flew a new B26
the southern route through So. America and Africa. Joined the 558 and was
immediately transferred to 1st Prov Pathfinder. Trained and saw war over before we flew mission. loved
that b26.
- Ernie Cusano, please contact Merton J. Silver
- Date:
- 6/7/01
- Time:
- 5:00:32 AM
- Lt. Maurice L Cohen BombGp: unknown Squadron:
unknown Years: to
12/42 Class: unk. my uncle was a lieutenant in the army and an aerial gunner in a martin
marauder B26 bomber that was shot down over Lake Tunisia in Dec 1942. my family was just
contacted this Monday the 4th of June, that after 59 years, my uncles plane and some
remains along with personal possessions have been recovered, much to our shock and
amazement. The details are sketchy so far. I don't have a clue as to his squadron #, bomb
gp or class or graduation location. all I can say is its all over the news as we speak. Its
being run currently on abcnews.com "WWII remains headed home". Anyway my family
and myself would like some information on his fateful flight or find anyone that might
have known him. Your help is greatly appreciated! please e-mail me.
- Date:
- 6/6/01
- Time:
- 9:54:13 PM
- Eric P Dundatscheck BombGp: 323 Squadron: 454 Years: 1940-1945
Class: 42b Location: Miami B Enlisted at Chanute fld 1940. Attended AM School . Became
Instructor in Propeller Branch and went to Keesler. Attended OCS at Miami B May 42 thru
July. Assigned to 449 BS 322 Group as Asst Eng O. Transferred to 454 323 in same capacity.
Promoted to Captain in December of 43 as Eng O. Stayed in reserve and became LC with
accreditation at Air Command and Dtaff and Air WQar College. Wrote Sustineo Alas a book
that describes authors backgrond on East River Water Front in depression years, time spent
in engine room of fruit ship and time spent in serivce from 40 through 45.
- Date:
- 6/4/01
- Time:
- 9:50:09 AM
- Lt. Edward W. Davis BombGp: 322 Squadron: 452 Years: 5/43-11/44
Class: 1943 Location: Shreveport LA. I am not Edward Davis! Rather I am Philip Davis, his
son. Always I am interested in hearing from anyone who served with or knew of him. My Dad
was a B-26 Pilot, who arrived in England just after the disastrous, low level, B-26
attack in which all or most of the participating aircraft were lost. With the 452nd, I
believe, he flew out of Rattlesden(sp), in England. At some point after D-Day the 452nd
flew Bouvetille(sp), in France. His best friend was Roy Edge who died in an effort to keep
his damaged plane from crashing into a populated area, in England. Edward Davis flew 76
missions before being sent home in November of 1944. He was tall. 6' 2" and built
like a swimmer. Dad's hair was black and wavy and his eyes were brown. My mother, his
wife's name is Barbara and her picture hung in his desk area, inside the Nissan huts, in
which the air crews lived. (He had a plane named Barbara, for a while, until it blew up,
while being flown by another crew. An Arkansas boy, he was friendly, but quiet. Also he
had a good sense of humor. Dad read a lot. He had a reputation of being calm, cool,
deliberate and lucky. People liked to fly with him and in his box. After combat he was
stationed in Del Rio Texas. If anyone remembers him, please write. Philip Davis
- Date:
- 6/4/01
- Time:
- 9:07:05 AM
- Matthew Robert Coseo Class: 2001 Location: Colgate University My name is Matthew
Coseo and my grandfather was a Marauder pilot named Robert Coseo. I do
not know his squadron but he flew missions over Europe and was stationed in Britain. I
never knew my grandfather because he died before I was born, but I want to learn about
him. If there is anyone out there who knew him or knows anything about him or where I can
find out any more information, please write me at my e-mail address. Thank you all very
- Date:
- 6/3/01
- Time:
- 12:45:05 PM
- George Robison BombGp: 322nd Squadron: 481st Years: 1945.
To Whom It May Concern: I am writing for my father-in-law, George Robison, 80, of
Patterson, Ga., who served aboard a B-26 in WWII as a radio operator. George would like to
get in touch with his pilot, Bland Dysart, whom he described as the "best damn pilot
who flew for any air force in World War II." Bland, if you're out there somewhere,
your radio operator would like a word with you. Thanks, Jack Williams
- Date:
- 6/3/01
- Time:
- 2:09:23 AM
- Carol LeSauvage BombGp: 391 Squadron: 575 Years: 1942-1945. Please help our family
locate information about our uncle S/Sgt. Joe R. (Ralph) Sanchez, who was a radio gunner
in the "Silver Dollar" B26th Marauder (9AF). He has been listed as MIA as of
12/23/44 when his plane was shot down 3 miles east of Ahrweiler, Germany. We know that all
6 crew members parachuted and 1st Lt. John J.Adair survived, 2 crewman's bodies were
recovered (we would like to know where and when they were recovered). Our uncle's and two
other crewmembers' remains have yet to be found. Any information that can help us answer
what may have happened to Uncle Ralph is appreciated. Additional details: Born in
Whittier, California on February 29, 1924. We know he is listed on the Tablets of the
Missing at Luxembourg American Cemetery at Luxembourg City.
- Date:
- 6/2/01
- Time:
- 11:05:09 PM
- John J Barta, Col USAF Ret. BombGp: 391st Squadron: 573rd Years:
4/10/42 thru12/19/45 Class: 43-E Location: Ellington Field. Immediately out of flying
school I was assigned to the 474 sq, 335th RTU Barksdale Field for b-26 transition. Having
completed that I was kept as an instructor pilot. After several months I was moved to the
476th sq and instructed until I was given a crew and departed for overseas in November
1944. From Savanah, I flew the southern route through South America, to Africa via
Ascention Is., on to England. I was then assigned to the 391st. At Barksdale, as an
instructor, I had flown the A-26 starting in May 1944 and checked out a number of pilots in
the 391st when our group converted. I flew the Marauder for 23 months, June 1943 through
my last flight in May 1945, and have approximately 1000 very memorable hours in that
wonderful airplane. I also spent two months TDY in 1943 at Biggs Field, Tx in the 3rd Tow
Target Squadron running a ground school on the B-26 as well as checking out pilots and
towing targets.
- Date:
- 6/1/01
- Time:
- 9:59:15 PM
- Billy F. Williams BombGp: 391st Squadron: 573rd Years: 1942
-19466 Class: 16-42 Location: Roswell, N.M. With the 391st since formed in Tampa, FL. in
January 1943. Was a Bombardier with Frank Adams and shot down May 8,1944. Flew out
of Matching Green in England. Was a Pow until April 29,1945. At Stalag Luft 3 and 7 at
- Date:
- 5/25/01
- Time:
- 12:55:09 PM
- Paul Geba BombGp: 319th Squadron: 437 Years: l943-44. My dad, John
Geba was in N. Africa and Sardinia, 1943-44 with the 437 BS, 319th BG. Would like
to obtain copies of photos taken in this period and would welcome any other information.
- Date:
- 5/19/01
- Time:
- 11:15:47 PM
- Thomas F. Curran . My late uncle, Lt. Bill "Red" Flanagan,
was a pilot in the 387th BG. His first combat missions were at the Bulge. I'd truly enjoy
hearing from any of his buddies. Thanks very much for a great site.
- Date:
- 5/13/01
- Time:
- 2:26:35 PM
- William W. Jasper BombGp: 319 Squadron: 437 Years: 1941-1945 Location:
Victorville, California. Hello, I am Trent Breckenridge, William W. Jasper is my grandpa.
He was a Captain of a B-26 in the war. I am just trying to get some info on him from back
then. I have a few articles and one picture of he and his crew after they were shot down
and crash landed in Italy. He is still with us and resides in Sanger, California. In fact
I just took him to the Doolittle Raiders reunion in Fresno, California last night and he
got to talk to his buddy, Gen. David Jones. If you could help me out on getting some info
or pointing me in the right direction I would be forever thankful and so would my grandpa.
Thank you, Trent
- Date:
- 5/11/01
- Time:
- 11:32:15 AM
- Capt. Stanley U. Guistwite (GUS) BombGp: 386th Squadron: 553rd
Years: 1943-1945 Jerry Guistwite writing on behalf of my father, Stanley. I couldn't
believe when I did a search for B26 and found this site, fantastic! I grew up hearing the
stories, seeing the pictures, and watching my Dad tear up as he talked about his
experiences. Dad, a 1st Lt. at the time and co-pilot flew 65 missions before being shot
down on the 65th in the ship "Dinah Might" on November 18th 1944. He spent the
rest of the war a POW. I would love to hear from other crew /BG/SQ members that served
with my father. I am especially interested in a particular story he told me about flying
with a first time crew and losing an engine to flak, tossing out all they could to
altitude and being saved by a couple of spitfires. Dad is 82 and still full of life, he
doesn't have a computer nor would he use it if he did! He's never been to a reunion, says
he would get to emotional.
- Date:
- 5/7/01
- Time:
- 10:02:31 PM
- James D. Anderson BombGp: 444th Squadron: 676th Years: 1940-45. I am
looking for anyone that knew Carson Carrington, a b26pilot who I understand was shot down
some time in late 1945. we were close 1940 to 42 then he went to b26s and i went to b29s.
- Carson W Carrington 344th Bomb Group, 494th Bomb Squadron. 23rd
September 1944 shot down by flak over Venlo, Holland in B26 42-107679 K9-M
- Date:
- 5/6/01
- Time:
- 12:30:38 PM
- Nicholas Norman BombGp: 322nd Squadron: 452nd Years: 1942-1945. I am looking for
information concerning my grandfather, Carl C. Norman of Ohio. As stated above, he was in
the 322nd/452nd and flew as a tail gunner on an unknown B-26 Marauder. According to his
discharge papers, he was not injured during any of his missions and I would hope that his
fellow crew members or friends may be able to help me. Thank You
- Date:
- 5/6/01
- Time:
- 7:40:32 AM
- Gabriel Quoirin . Plse anyone who knows about a B26 which crashed in the forest of
Rulles( Southern Belgium, 0 on December 25th ( a sunday 0 at about 10.30am. may get in
touch with me for more info from both sides. I like your huge site which has been
recommended to me by Michael Faley editor of Splasher six. Cheers ! s a resistant had not
passed away, I would have heard more about it. It might have been the case that he helped
the crew to recover from the crash landing. I'd like to hear about anyone who knows about
this plane.
- Date:
- 5/1/01
- Time:
- 8:50:01 PM
- Glenn Bickley. Looking for information regarding my late uncle 1st Lt. John Bickley. I
have information that he was in the 336th Bomb Group that was a replacement training unit
in Florida during 1943. They transferred overseas in the late summer or early fall of
1943. I do not know what combat squadron he was transferred to, but I do know they were
stationed in Northern Ireland for theatre orientation. Does anyone recognize this bomb
group designation?
- Date:
- 4/29/01
- Time:
- 6:19:56 PM
- Charles E. Wm. Flegel BombGp: 599 Squadron: 397th Years: l942 to
l945 Class: 43 Location: Obtario, Oregon. I have been trying to find something about my
group or squadron. We went overseas on Jan l, 1944 and then to San Quentin, France. I have
gone through all the shown information and have not found one that was stationed there. We
were then transferred to Venlo, Holland and I see several other groups that were there
- Date:
- 4/24/01
- Time:
- 10:46:46 PM
- D. Toler BombGp: 397 Does anyone remember a navigator by the name
of Milton Moorman? Flew with a Col. Birkenkamp of the 397th bomb group. I believe Batjer
was the CO.
- Date:
- 4/22/01
- Time:
- 9:38:51 AM
- I was a milling machine operator at the Middle River Plant of The Glenn L. Martin Co.
from April 1939 until July 1941 and I worked on many parts of the B26 including the
initial prototype parts and I have always been proud of that. In the Spring of 1941 I had
to modify part of the nose wheel assembly to allow the planes to turn in a tighter circle.
The first, as I was left to believe, 15 planes that were sent to Wright Patterson for
testing nose wheel assemblies were sent back to Martin's and I got the job. This
information may not be pertinent to your web site but I just wanted to let you know that
some of us who worked on those wonderful planes were very proud of our contribution.
Cordially, Warren M. Grymes
- Date:
- 4/22/01
- Time:
- 12:51:35 AM
- I am hoping to contact anyone who may have knowledge of the crew of the B-26 that my
uncle was killed in. His name was S/Sgt. Wetzel Kimball, with the 387th
Group, 557th Squadron. On his 71st mission, out of Clastes in France, he volunteered to
replace a tail gunner who had become ill. The crewmen who survived the crash were William
Floyd Ray (pilot), Dennis Jones (co-pilot), and Raul Pompa, Engineer. The deceased were
Preston Prejean (Radio), James DuBois (Navigator), and James Padgett (Bombardier). This
crash occurred on Nov. 25, 1944, near the town of Sains-Richaumont. Any help would be
greatly appreciated. Michael Jones
- Date:
- 4/21/01
- Time:
- 1:49:34 PM
- James B. Aten BombGp: 320 Squadron: 441. I am asking if anyone can recall searving
with my father. His name was James Delmer Aten, Called James, Jim, Del,
or a number of other names. According to his discharge papers he was in the 12th Air
Force, 320th Bombardment Group, 441th Bomb Group. He was a tail gunner on a B-26 as far as
I can recall from what he did talk about the war. This is about all I know and would like
to find out more. He had some great pictures and we (my brothers and I) would like to know
more if possible. Thank You James B. Aten (No valid email address)
- Date:
- 4/21/01
- Time:
- 1:41:44 PM
- Thank you for developing this site. My dad was a co-pilot on a B-26 over France in the
1943 - 1944 area. He is no longer with us, but was very proud of the thirty three missions
that his plane flew. He was member of the 17th bomb group stationed , I believe, in Dijon
France. His name was Eugene Vaughn Allen and his rank was 2nd Lt. United
States Army Air Corps. His airplane crashed at one point, upon take-off from his base in
France with a full load of bombs - 8,000 pounds according to his notes next to the
photographs. All survived . His plane was nicknamed "Big red" because the rear
tail was painted that way - it also sported a large black panther in the nose. If you can
give me any information regarding this plane and its' crew (Jim Rogers
was the pilot), I would be most appreciative. Please stay in touch. Thanks. Dave Allen
- Date:
- 4/21/01
- Time:
- 2:52:44 AM
- George E. Beaman BombGp: 17 Squadron: ?? Years: 41-45 Class: 41
Location: Dallas, Love Field TSGT Beaman was crew chief on "SWEET SUE" until
crash on 97th mission. Currently living in N.E. TX. 78 yrs old. This posted by Walton
Beaman, son.
- Date:
- 4/20/01
- Time:
- 4:50:40 PM
- Harvey G. Lias BombGp: 320 Squadron: 441 Years: 1943 Class: 1942
Location: Akron, Iowa.
- Date:
- 4/17/01
- Time:
- 11:05:31 PM
- Gervais Jarmer, B-26 tailgunner, Years: 1940-44. Can you please help
me, I am researching information on my Grandfather's B-26 crew. He flew in the bomber
named "The Hannibal Hoops". If anyone has any information on him or his crew,
please e-mail me. Thank you, Nathan Wiedenmann
- Date:
- 4/14/01
- Time:
- 10:36:32 PM
- Donald Allen Farrow BombGp: 494 Squadron: 344 Years: 1943-1946.
- Date:
- 4/8/01
- Time:
- 11:55:56 PM
- Ralph Woolf BombGp: 320 Squadron: 442 Years: 1944-45 Class: 44-C
Location: Fredrich AAF OK As Sec'y treasurer of the 320 Bomb Group I will respond to any
members, or relatives of any of our members.
- Date:
- 4/8/01
- Time:
- 9:37:30 AM
- Looking for Don Hetrick, tailgunner and musician, ETO 1944-45. He later
resided in Hatboro Pa., later moved to Md., was HS music teacher and jazz musician (sax
and percussion). If anybody is looking for Eddie Dorson (bombardier) he
lives in GILLELEJE, Denmark - my town. Tom Heller
- Date:
- 4/6/01
- Time:
- 10:31:30 PM
- Henry C. Palmer BombGp: 394 Squadron: 584 Years: 1944-1945. Feel
free to contact me. There is a reunion in Tucson, AZ. 9/27/2001 for 394th Bomb Group.
- Date:
- 3/31/01
- Time:
- 10:11:02 PM
- I would like information about Harold J. Brothers. He grew up in
Owensville, Ohio. He entered service in June 1942 and served thru Oct 1945. He was a
Master Sergeant at the end of the war and at least towards the end we have orders signed
indicating that he was the Chief Operations Officer for the 323rd. He spoke frequently
about Col. Wood and was able to visit with him approximately 10 years ago. Thanks again
Douglas J. Brothers
- Date:
- 3/31/01
- Time:
- 4:45:02 PM
- Dave Earl . Calling all `Marauder Men`! Those who have visited the links pages on this
site will recall I wrote an article & pictures entitled "Mountain Marauder".
This I was able to compile from contact with the pilots brother, as well as archive
records. My latest project for a book involves crashes around the Isles and Scottish
Hebrides, and one such incident involved a B-26 on a ferry flight to the UK. During a
spell of low cloud, and with mechanical & radio trouble, the B-26 made a hasty landing
at Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, 24th June 1944. With only 1,500ft of runway she overshot, hit
a truck & was written off. The pilot, 2/Lt Ed Smolen, Co-Pilot 2/Lt Ed Smith & Nav
2/Lt John Sisson were killed, and 2 survived. I am trying to locate the survivors or
anyone who knew them, they were R/Op S/Sgt Philip W.Jones & Gunner Sgt J.E.Mattison .
Any help from the two survivors, or info or pictures of any of the crew would be most
welcome. Thanks & Regards. Dave Earl.
- Date:
- 3/31/01
- Time:
- 7:55:40 AM
- Frank P. Carrozza BombGp: 344 Squadron: 495 Years: '44. Location:
Stansted. I've just posted the roster of the personel of the 344 BG, 495 SQ., from some
old records I kept. I have wartime addresses and serial numbers as well. I'd like to hear
from each and every one of you or from friends and relatives.
- Date:
- 3/28/01
- Time:
- 9:33:02 AM
- Jack Turner. I was a B-26 pilot in tbe 599 sq, 397th gp with mission on D
day etc. I'm 81 now, I got my pilots lic. in 1941 and quit flying 4 years ago.
Good luck-Jack T.
- Date:
- 3/27/01
- Time:
- 11:19:36 PM
- Marauders on 2. March 1945
- Hello. I am Slovak air force historical researcher. I am working on a project covering
all actions of the Luftwaffe and USAAF over Europe on March 2., 1945. Please, can you help
me in search for any info on Marauders actions that day and their fighter cover. I know
that there was one loss of B-26. Any details could be added? I was looking at home for
more info on that 2.March 1945 mission, to give you some data of help to assist me. So
various sources says, that 30-120-150 (what was the real number?) of Marauders attacked
stores at Giesen. One of the BGs assigned had to be 394.BG (is it right?). They were
attacked at 1722 hours by 9-12 FW 190s and Me 109s. One plane B-26 42-95933 was lost due
to fighter fire. He had to belong to 391.BG, 1.PFSQ (is this right?) Please, can you find
for me as much info as possible about this action, about this sole loss and about the
claims of the board gunners of other Marauders (they claimed several e/a shot down, and
really three enemy FW 190s were lost probably due their fire.) Also any photo on Marauders
or crews related to this action would be greatly welcomed. Any info will help me. Thanks
10:26:19 PM
Hello, My name is Dillon Pritchard. I am doing a project for
school on my family's history. My Grandad, Major William Pritchard, was a
B-26 pilot. He flew "The Coughin Coffin". I'm not sure, but I think he was
in the 17th and 323rd bomb groups. I have no idea what squadron though. If you could,
please give me information or links that involve the coughin coffin or the squadrons it
was in. Thank you and please respond. Dillon Pritchard
- Date:
- 3/25/01
- Time:
- 8:49:19 AM
- Jonathan Andrew Sheen BombGp: 387th Squadron: 558th Location:
MacDill. More is now
available on-line about the "Secksma Sheen." 387th Bombardment Group, 558th
Squadron Pilot: Major Lewis B. Sheen. Are you, or do you/did you know one
of these men? If so, please send me an e-mail. I'd love to identify all the men in this
shot including ranks and flight duties. Thanks very much!
- Date:
- 3/24/01
- Time:
- 6:44:26 AM
- I am looking for information on my Grandfather Robert Brannon (he went by Bob). He was a
tail gunner in "Luckey Lady". He was in France and Italy. He served with
Doolittle for a bit. Born June 21, 1922, armeror-gunner Dijon France 17th BG. Supplied the
crews in Tokyo for the first attack served in Corsica and Gardenia flew 49 missions 24 of
them over Germany. He received Air Medal, 6 oak leaf clusters. Authorized to wear the
European Theater ribbon. 3 battle stars. Distinguished unit badge. Service medal, 5 bronze
stars, croix de Gueree. This is all I know except that he joined when it was the Army Air
Corps. I want to compile all the info that I can for the family. He lived in Ohio. His
wife (my Grandmother) was named Martha, I have been searching and have not come up with
much so far. Can you help? Thanks, Christoper Brown
- Date:
- 3/23/01
- Time:
- 9:44:26 PM
- Lane Coleman BombGp: 396 Squadron: 597. My father was flew as a crew member with
Col. Wood. He was sqd. bombardier for the 597 th. They had three aircraft as I know of two
crash landings. There is a group still around, and reunions on occasion. Contact me if you
like. Best Wishes.
- Date:
- 3/20/01
- Time:
- 12:42:57 PM
- Larry Rocheleau A very interesting web site for almost anyone ever associated with
the most beautiful aircraft devised by man. In the early 50's we had several B26 aircraft
outfitted for recon. at Spangdahlem AFB Germany. The last time I saw them was in May of 54
and the all looked and ran like new. They were part of the 10th TacRecon group out of the
Carolinas. I was not directly involved with the aircraft but did manage to hitch a couple
(un-official) flights for r&r.
- Date:
- 3/20/01
- Time:
- 11:31:57 AM
- Hugh Walker BombGp: 391 Squadron: 572 Years: 42-45 Class: 43A Location:
- Date:
- 3/20/01
- Time:
- 6:35:21 AM
- Hello, I wonder if you can help me. I work with a woman whose Father flew in a b-26. His
name is William H. Considine. One of the planes he flew in was called (if
he remembers it correctly) Hell and Highwater. He was in Europe in 43-44 and
stationed in Tunis and Sardinia. He is desperately seeking information on the 319th
bomb group, 437 squadron. He is hoping for pictures and in the best case scenario a way to
contact long lost comrades. He does not have internet access and I agreed to help. Yours
has been the best site so far and I hope perhaps you know of a way to locate pictures or
names for this man. Also, I would like your permission to print some information
from this site and share it with him. Thank you in advance for your help. Also, I think
your site is very well designed and now I am personally interested in this particular
plane and the war itself. Thank you. Dan Knight
- Date:
- 3/20/01
- Time:
- 12:21:51 AM
- Ralph B Woolf BombGp: 320 BG; Squadron: 442 BS; Years: 1944-45 Class:
44c Location: Fredrich, OK. I am the sec.y treasurer of the 320th bomb group and was a
co-pilot and pilot in the 442 bomb squadron. I handle most of the groups queries and
request for info. we will meet this year in Albuquerque, NM, Sept 6, 7, 8, 2001. Next year
we will have a reunion with the 17th and 319th bomb groups in Kansas City. date to be
- Date:
- 3/19/01
- Time:
- 9:19:39 AM
- Stephen A. Prokopiak BombGp: Squadron: 559 Years: 1943-45. Looking for information
on my father who was a member of the 559th...his name was Stephen Chester
Prokopiak, from Carteret, New Jersey, had a brothers Joseph Prokopiak and Stanley
Prokopiak who also fought in WWII.
- Date:
- 3/18/01
- Time:
- 8:45:24 PM
- John C. Dinou BombGp: 344 Squadron: 496 Years: 1942-45 Class: 43K
Location: Brooks Field, TX. Please visit my web site. John
- Date:
- 3/18/01
- Time:
- 12:12:04 PM
- John D. Privette. NAV/BOMB, flew 52 missions BombGp: 322 Squadron: 449
Years: 43-45 Class: 43 Location: Laredo, TX. His WWII dairy is incomplete regarding crews,
plane names....childhood stories remembered the mentioning of Flak Bait. Please email with
insights or search directions.
- Read with interest the memoir of Eugene Schantz, Captain, Army Air Force 322 Bomb Group,
449 Squadron.....my Dad's dairy mentions bailing out over the basefield due to hydraulic
damage from a mission on 9/11/1944. Curious if Capt. Schantz mission is identified along
with crew? Thanks John Privette
- Date:
- 3/17/01
- Time:
- 7:44:22 PM
- Richard (Dick) Ayers BombGp: 394 Squadron: 586 Years: 42-45. I'm
remembered for the "nose art" I painted on the noses of the squadron's bombers.
I served with the 586th from MacDill all the way to Venlo, Holland.
- Date:
- 3/16/01
- Time:
- 6:14:24 PM
- Marvin Kellman, B-26 tail gunner, 394 BG, 586 BS, is trying to find any
of his crew. Please e-mail and I can supply addition info.
- Crew members: Pilot, Davis; Co-Pilot, Harris; Bombardier, Carlisle; Radio,
E. Swinford;
Engineer, Copeland; Armorer/tail gunner, Kellman. Served in Ardennes, Rhineland, Central
Europe. Went to war in 1942 out in 1945. One (1) silver cluster and 2 bronze
oak leaf
clusters. If any of his crew is still around I'm sure he would love to see them. Thank you
again for any help. Dave Feld
- Date:
- 3/13/01
- Time:
- 7:34:24 PM
- Robert L. Holliday (Hap) . BombGp: 391st Squadron: 573rd Years: 42-45
Class: 43F Location: Gulf Coast. Would like to hear from any and all 391 people who have
not contacted me through the 391st Bomb Group Association.
- Date:
- 3/12/01
- Time:
- 9:21:16 PM
- Alexander Ehoodin. BombGp: 322 Squadron: 449. My Dad was in Flak
Bait, WWII. He's 81!!! My children as well as myself are interested in any info on his
ship, crew, etc. Thank you. Peter S. Ehoodin
- Date:
- 3/11/01
- Time:
- 1:11:23 PM
- Boyd V. Hall BombGp: 322 Squadron: 449&452 Years: 1942- 1945 Class:
Location: Altoona. Pa. 16601. Hello I was with the 322Bomb Group when it was formed at
MacDill Field. Signed up for combat there, and when we moved to England at Bury St Edmunds
was there for the first two raids but wasn't assigned to a crew then. Finally was on my
first mission on July 31 1943, and finished on the 65th on Feb.2,1945. I would like to
hear from any one from the group.
- Boyd V. Hall
- Date:
- 3/9/01
- Time:
- 10:23:21 PM
- John James Bickley. BombGp: Squadron: Years: 41 to 44. I have
further info on my late uncle 1st Lt. John James Bickley: 336th Bomb
Group November 14 1942 Fort Meyers, Fl.; 478th Bomb Group December 9, 1942 Avon Park, Fl;
336th Bomb Group August 28, 1943 Camp Kilmer, NJ. This info is from the US Army Total
Command Center, and John's 293 file. There may be some confusion between groups and
squadrons. John was sent overseas and eventually he and his crew transferred to B-17's. He
was shot down on 31 December 1943 over Cognac, France and he and six other crewmembers
were KIA. Does anyone recognize this name or can they provide anymore leads?? Thank you
all so much for your sacrifices. Glenn Bickley
- Date:
- 3/7/01
- Time:
- 6:58:12 PM
- Douglas Peterson. BombGp: 391 Squadron: 574 Years: 42-45 Class: 42
Location: ETO Send: send Date: Time: Hello to everyone! I've been talking with Bill
Hollis, who sends regards also to crews and ground personnel. Anyone else who would like
to write me can do so at email address
- Date:
- 3/4/01
- Time:
- 7:21:38 PM
- Campbell H. Williams, Sgt. Squadron: 89th Air Service Squadron
Air Force Years: 1942-1945; Location: England and France. I am the daughter of Sgt.
Campbell H. Williams. He is presently terminally ill with cancer. He was a mechanic on
B-26 Marauders during his service in England and France. He was often on detached duty in
France repairing planes that went down for various reasons. He has always spoken fondly of
his love for those planes.
- Date:
- 3/3/01
- Time:
- 10:14:34 PM
- Mark T. Phillips (son of vet. William. A. Phillips) BombGp: 323rd
Squadron: 456th Years: 1942-45 Class: Location: ETO. Just wanted to leave a note re: info.
Anyone recall 1st Lt. William A. Phillips (d. 1997) Flew as a navigator/bombardier w/ Jim
Dissey's crew. Have some pics to ID and other names. Bill Glock ? Looking for plane
name/tail #. All info appreciated and thank you.
- Date:
- 3/3/01
- Time:
- 6:37:23 PM
- Marvin Kellman, tail gunner on B-26, trying to find any of his crew.
Please email and I can supply more info.
- Date:
- 3/1/01
- Time:
- 4:12:50 PM
- Reuben Ward . My grandfather was aboard a B-26, he is my hero. He enlisted immediately
after Pearl Harbor until 1945. I do not know many stories to relate but I thought it may
help to have another name chronicled. his name is George Lester Ward. He
was a radio operator and gunner in the 397th Bombardment and the 599th Squadron. The plane
was the Lucky Strike although the name may have changed.
- Date:
- 3/1/01
- Time:
- 12:23:46 PM
- Lt. Frank White BombGp: 386 Squadron: 552 Years: 42-46 Class: 43a
Location: Valdosta, Ga. Looking for buddies who flew with my dad Frank White from New
Jersey. His ship was named "danny boy". He flew 69 missions and was
wounded (in a different ship) June 22 1944. He is 80 and is still driving me nuts. Hope to
hear from someone soon.
- Date:
- 2/24/01
- Time:
- 3:28:29 PM
- Ralph M. Wefel BombGp: 323 Squadron: 455th BS Years: 1942-45
Class: Location: ETO -- all in France.
- Date:
- 2/23/01
- Time:
- 2:08:39 PM
- James A. Graham BombGp: 344 Squadron: 494 Years: 1942-1945 Class:
1942 Location: Keesler Field, Miss.
- Date:
- 2/22/01
- Time:
- 5:09:04 PM
- Lt. Rodney Brubaker BombGp: 344 Squadron: 495 Years: 1944-45
Class: 1943 Location: Ellington Field-Houston, Texas. Still Kicking After All These Years!
Age 82-Married to same girl---Proud Great Grandfather-Live in Mexia, Texas- Miss the good
times and crews!!!! Based in Stansted, England
- Date:
- 2/21/01
- Time:
- 4:04:51 AM
- Christine (Butler) Parker BombGp: 323rd Squadron: 323. Years: 1942-?? Location:
Rhineland. Trying to find information on my father, Frank Lloyd Butler. I
found out that my dad was a clerk for the 323rd "White Tailed" Marauder medium
bomber group. While growing up he never talked about the war and now that he is gone I
have come across some papers and pictures and would be interested in having someone
explain them to me. I have pictures of where bombs were dropped on Dannes on Feb 5, 1944.
If anyone knows anything about this operation please email me at. Thank you, Chris Parker
- Date:
- 2/20/01
- Time:
- 6:22:03 PM
- Henry Clinton (Clint) Palmer BombGp: 394th Squadron: 584th Years:
1942-1945. I am an 80 year-old veteran of WWII. I am interested in reading, seeing,
or helping contribute to the work in putting together any information pertaining to my
- Date:
- 2/19/01
- Time:
- 8:21:01 PM
- BombGp: 19th? Squadron: Years: 42,43? Class: Location: Sardinia. I am helping a family
member of Jack Miller try to locate "Ace Shapiro"
who was a tail gunner ?? and crew member of Commander Jack Miller while in Sardinia.
Information is approximate, I hope those who read this will understand. Thank you! Cecil
Wagner, USAF SSgt 1968-1976
- Date:
- 2/18/01
- Time:
- 3:51:23 PM
- Joseph Sulkin. I was a
B26 pilot during WWII and I am seeking information on a B25 crash on iceberg in Alaska the
pilot was named J. Blaise. Does anyone have any information on the crash?
- Date:
- 2/16/01
- Time:
- 10:24:54 PM
- Tommy Thompson BombGp: 319th Squadron: 440th Years: 1944 Class: 1943
Location: Selma Feild, LA. I am active in reunions and would like to
correspond with any
members of my group. Navigator, wounded JAN 1944.
- Date:
- 2/12/01
- Time:
- 11:04:05 PM
- Raymond Paul Engelhardt, Sr., from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. 320th BG,
444th Sq. Corsica. One of his planes was "FUBAR" which is pictured in a
magazine-type book on B-26s.
- Date:
- 2/12/01
- Time:
- 10:04:05 PM
- Harvey Jacobs BombGp: 323rd Squadron: 456th Years: Class: 43-A
Location: Lubbock Tx.
- Date:
- 2/12/01
- Time:
- 5:36:01 PM
- Brain Davies SSGT BombGp: 394 Squadron: 587 Years: 1942-1945
Class: Location: Mac Dill to Cambre. SSGT Brian Davies, ToggleBomb. & Nav, Flew 65
combat Missions from England through France till 26 March 1945. Bloody Mary was the
Aircraft 38 - 40 Missions. I am seeking photo's or information on the Bloody Mary (which
crashed landed on take off with Full Bomb load. All survived the war and still in contact
with all crew Members minus Co-pilot) Regret to inform you that T-SGT Frank Zatopek
WaistGunner Passed away during Christmas time of 2000. If any one wishes to contact please
feel free to do so. Brian Davies
- Date:
- 2/12/01
- Time:
- 1:57:37 PM
- T/Sgt James P. Kelley Jr BombGp: 394th Squadron: 584th Years:
41-44 Class: 42 Location: Barksdale, Boreham, Eng, Cambrai, France. Looking for any
information concerning my father James Kelley. He was at Barksdale Field for late '42 to
late 43'. Then on to Kellogge Field to be with the 394th BG - 584th BS. He was sent to
England and then France. A book Bridge Busters gave us alot of information but we were
wondering if any one remembers Capt. L.Harper, P.Stephens, J.Harrison, R. Pagano, S.
Ottenheimer, W. Andrew, K.Wolf or J. Kelley - their plane was shot down 11/22/44 over
Germany. (H.Mote suvived). They usually flew 'Wingless Victory' I have pictures and we are
trying to name faces. Thanks to everyone.
- Date:
- 2/11/01
- Time:
- 5:05:36 PM
- Russell L. Williams BombGp: 386 Squadron: 556 Years: 1 Class:
Sergeant Location: France. I would like to hear from any members of my crew.
- Date:
- 2/8/01
- Time:
- 8:23:58 AM
- Howard Troup . My father, Jay S. Troup, was a radio operator in the
Battle of the Bulge. He was shot down and was a prisoner of war. He died in 1979 when I
was 12 years old I am trying to locate someone who new my father during the war. I have a
picture and on the bottom is LCAAF I June 44-551-4 could you tell what this means? Howard
- Date:
- 2/6/01
- Time:
- 2:21:00 PM
- Bill Rooney . Does anyone remember Phil Rooney - Pilot B-26, 65
Missions, Europe 43-44, 391st BG, Crashed/Died March 27, 1945 while towing practice target
over Yakima Firing Center, Yakima Washington? Thank you, Brother Bill Rooney
- Date:
- 2/5/01
- Time:
- 5:48:58 PM
- Rudolph Gasperich BombGp: 17th Squadron: 95 Years: 1940-45 Class:
1941 Location: Columbia, S.C. I'm sending this message for Rudy, since he does not
have a computer. I know him well. He is still flying at 83. He flew several B26's, one was
called the (Lounge Lizard), another called (Speedy) and one called, Widow Maker. He was
stationed in North Africa from 1942-45. Crew Chief's name; Furnace, Co-pilot was Lt.
McGuire, Gunner was; Brown. One of the pilot's he knew is David Jones (Davy Jones).
Bombardier/navigator was; Aggers. Had his training at Columbia, S.C. in B25's and move to
Barksdale Louisiana for B26 training. Would like to hear from anyone who might have known
Rudy and or any of the other names that I have mentioned. Thank You, Ray Smith
- Date:
- 2/5/01
- Time:
- 12:44:01 PM
- Frank P. Carrozza BombGp: 344th Squadron: 495th Years: 1944-45; Location: Stansted
& Pontoise. My name is Frank P. Carrozza I flew 65 missions out of
Stanstead England and Pontoise (Courmeille) France. My fourth and fifth missions were on
D-day June 6, 1944 under orders from Col. Vance. I was part of the 344th bomb group, 495
bomb squadron. My commanding officer at that time was Capt. Lucius D. Clay Jr. I have a
complete diary of my missions including locations, bomb load, flak intensity, fighter
escort, and other comments. My crew included Pilot Robert Shephard, Copilot Harold Aiken,
Engr/Gunner Thomas E. Inglet, Radio/Gunner Frank P. Carrozza (Goomba), Tail Gunner Donald
Ramsey, Nav/Bomb. Norman Carlson (killed in action) Replaced by Togglier ?. I subscribe to
the Milk Run. If you know of the whereabouts of any of the above or if you are interested
in the diary or any of the above write: or Frank P. Carrozza,
- Date:
- 2/4/01
- Time:
- 12:33:58 PM
- Richard E. Collins
- Date:
- 2/3/01
- Time:
- 10:43:17 PM
- James Robert Humphreys, P.E. BombGp: Squadron: Years: 1943-1945
Class: H-'44 Location: Del Rio, TX. Upon getting my Pilot's wings at Lubbock, TX in
Jun.'44, 20 of our graduating class of 300 were picked for Marauder combat flight training
at Del Rio, TX. We went through all the system's classes, but never got over-seas with the
airplane before the Marauder pilot training program was cut back! We were then ordered to
fly Bombardier/Navigator training missions and racked up 120-125 hours per month flight
times until discharged in Dec.1945. -James R. Humphreys, P.E.
- Date:
- 1/30/01
- Time:
- 1:10:43 AM
- James H. Perkoski BombGp: 386; Squadron: 555; Years: 42-44;
Class: 43J; Location: Great Dunmow.
- Date:
- 1/28/01
- Time:
- 2:42:02 PM
- Oliver Jumper BombGp: 320 Squadron: 443 9th AF Years: 1943-1945 Class:
Location: Send: send Date: 2/8/01 Time: 10:58:07 AM Comments: My dad was Oliver
Jumper. BombGp: 320th Squadron: Years: 1943-1945 Location: France & Germany.
He was a B-26 pilot from 1943-1945 in Northern France, Rhineland, Central Europe, and
North Apenines. My dad's nickname was "Jump". He was a First Lt. and flew 13
missions. I remember him saying that he didn't always fly with the same crew members. I do
remember him talking about a buddy named "Hedges". Dad went to High School in
Lacrosse, Indiana and played the violin and piano. During pilot training, Dad spent time
at Shreveport, La., San Antonio, Tex., Fredrick, Oklahoma. Dad received 2 Air Medals, the
American Theater Service Medal, European African Middle Eastern Service Medal, German
Occupation Medal, and the Victory Medal.... Dad passed away in 1979 after raising 2 sons
who were very proud of him. Just before he died, he and I took a little trip to Wright
Patterson A.F. Museum and I was able to get a few pictures of him standing next to the
B-26 that is on display. I wish the pictures would have turned out. Dean Jumper
- Date:
- 1/27/01
- Time:
- 9:46:14 PM
- Albert B. Sax BombGp: 386 Squadron: Years: 1943-45
Location: England, France, Belgium. What a surprise to find B-26 on the internet. I was in
9th airforce headquarters in Bournmouth, England in 1943. Also with the B-26 in
Beaumont-sur-Oise and St. Trond, Belgium. Will write later with more details. Send regular
mailing address to me by email. Thank You, Al Sax
- Date:
- 1/27/01
- Time:
- 4:25:46 PM
- Dick Seager BombGp: 17th Squadron: 95th Location: Korea K-9 Pusan. I
was a gunner on the B26. It was a three man crew, pilot, navigator-bombardier, gunner. Phil
Pugh--pilot and Bob Shelton nav. bomb.
- Date:
- 1/24/01
- Time:
- 11:13:16 PM
- Gene D. Lowe BombGp: 391 Squadron: 575. My dad, Gene D.
Lowe, was a navigator in a B-26. Would love to here from anyone who might have
known him. He has lost touch with most of the men he served with. Thank you all for your
service. Kenneth Lowe
- Date:
- 1/23/01
- Time:
- 8:03:38 AM
- Robert E. Breidenthal Years: 1942-3 Class: 41-A. I never flew
b-26 overseas. Was an instructor at barksdale. test flew at wright patterson and hunter
field savannah ga. wonder if any of now aged buddies are still around. the second
character in my email address is the numeral zero.
- Date:
- 1/22/01
- Time:
- 11:23:56 PM
- Burt Schoen BombGp: 391 Squadron: 409 Years: 42-45. I was
an armorer on B26 originating at MacDill field. And then with the 409th bomb group at
Roding in Essex. Would love to hear from anyone to talk about old times. thanks Burt
- Date:
- 1/19/01
- Time:
- 11:04:56 PM
- W. B. (Willie B.) Paine BombGp: 394 Squadron: 585 Years: 42-45
Location: Shreveport & Pensacola Willie B. Paine is and was Engineer and gunner. He
talks about how great the B26's were and how the crews loved them. His pilot was Billy
Billington whom he loved dearly. Billy made his last flight last year, '00. He
was a nice guy. Dad said he saved their you know whats many a time. Dad is looking for John
Macki, another engineer. This man convinced his pilot to break formation and fly
cover for Dad's plane when they were shoot-up extremely bad over France or Germany. Any
information would be welcome to my Dad. Thanks to all of you who helped to keep us free.
Proud son, Rodney Paine
- Date:
- 1/19/01
- Time:
- 5:30:42 AM
- braxton bradford i'm trying to locate information on sgt joseph a. koballa, who
i'm told flew on a plane call "tobacco road." this may have been w/the 322nd
bomb gp. he received the silver star per g.o. in 1944. any help would be greatly
appreciated. best, braxton
- Date:
- 1/17/01
- Time:
- 12:04:50 AM
- Ellen Krueger for Master Sgt. Donald E. Proudfit 391st Bombardment
Group. Squadron: 575th; Years: 1942-47. Location: Matching Green England.
- What a pleasure to have found this site. My companion of nine years Master Sergeant
Donald E. Proudfit passed away on October 28,2000. He served in the 391st Bomb Group and
was a member of their association. Don was very proud of his service years and had many
stories of England, France, and Belgium. The pictures of the B-26 helped tie together the
stories of the 391st Bomb group. Thanks so much! Ellen Forbes Krueger
- Date:
- 1/16/01
- Time:
- 4:04:24 PM
- I was a young boy during WWII, living in Texas. We were close to Dallas and were treated
to lots of a/c flying overhead constantly. My brother and I became quite adept at
identifying the a/c type just by listening to the sound it made. The silky-smooth Merlins
and the low hum of big round P & W's were easy to ID. But when we heard a plane that
had a little meaner and throatier rumble, it meant only one thing....MARAUDER! Out to our
back yard we'd fly; there were no trees there to interfere. We'd just stand and stare as
that beauty flew by. Occasionally, we would be treated to a low altitude, high-speed pass
(performed strictly within the guidelines established by the C.A.B., I'm sure). An
exceptional airplane, crewed by exceptional people. Thanks for what you did. Fred Hardin
- Date:
- 1/16/01
- Time:
- 9:05:36 AM
- Glenn Bickley Years: 1943. Looking for information on my late uncle, 1st Lt.
John James Bickley. Info that I have says that he trained as a B-26 pilot in Avon
Park, FL. in Summer 1943. Went overseas with 9th Air Force to a base in Northern Ireland
for theatre orientation. John and his crew transferred to B-17's and were assigned to the
94th Bomb Group at Bury St. Edmunds, England around Thanksgiving of 1943. John's B-17 was
shot down over Cognac, France 31 December 1943 and he and six of the crew were KIA. I have
a lot of info regarding Johns B-17 service but almost nothing on his B-26 service. Can
anyone get me started in the right direction? Glenn
- Date:
- 1/15/01
- Time:
- 3:13:53 PM
- My uncle First Lt. Frederick C. Gedge, BombGp: 319 Squadron: 440 Years:
1942-44, was lost in action over Italy while a B-26 pilot assigned to the 319th
Bombardment Group, 440th Squadron. I would very much appreciate any information anyone
could provide about my uncle, his crew, name of his plane, his last mission, etc. I
believe that he was shot down and later died near the town of Ovietto (orvieto??), Italy
in January 1944 and was later buried at the U.S. Military cemetary in Nettuno, just
outside Anzio. Craig Davis
- Date:
- 1/14/01
- Time:
- 7:22:35 PM
- Joseph S. Meckoll BombGp: 387 Squadron: 557 Years: 1943-1945
Class: 44C Location: Blackland Fld.Waco,TX; Editoreld, Waco, TX Send: Editor of Yea-Botz ,
newsletter of the 557th Bomb Squadron.
- Date:
- 1/14/01
- Time:
- 3:20:40 PM
- Zack Bosslet BombGp: 352. My grandfather was a b26 pilot in the war and flew on
d-day as I am sure most of them did. he is still here with us today and I am so very proud
of him and my other grandfather as well who served in the navy during the war. he also is
still with us today. I hold a sense of pride to have living ties with the greatest
generation America has ever seen. I want to reach out my thanks to all veterans alive and
dead from the revolutionary war all the way to Kosovo. my grandfather's name is
"Wild bill" Moriarity and his plane was called "Top Sarge". again than
you to all who sacrificed their lives at war and those who kept our country intact during
those times.
- Date:
- 1/9/2001
- Time:
- 4:19:00 PM
- I am seeking any information on Lt. James Elliott, who was shot down at
St. Lo France. He was a Pilot, Squadron unknown, believed to be stationed in England. He
was ex enlisted Glider Pilot who had gone to Pilot training. He may have been Squadron
instructor pilot. He rotated to Europe from Florida piloting his own plane. I believe he
was shot down somewhere around D Day. Lt. Elliott was my Uncle, whom I never knew and I
would appreciate any information or help you could provide. Thank You Les Taylor, USAF ret
- Date:
- 1/4/2001
- Time:
- 3:47:00 PM
- Brett Moonen Years: 1944-1946 Class: 44F Location: Shepard Field Comments: Just trying
to get some history of my father's service. He was one of many who would not discuss the
war. His name was Donald F. Moonen and was part of a cadet program that
graduated from Shepard Field in 1944, in class 44-F. Coincidentally, my choir director
(and the master organist) at West Point graduated in 44-G, John Davis. After becoming an
officer, he was assigned to Europe and flew over Holland (his ancestral home) and Germany.
He had orders to the Pacific on VJ Day and went to Oklahoma for a year before he had the
choice of resign or stay in at a lower grade. He stayed in the USAFR until rtmnt and swore
me in upon my commissioning at West Point in 1974.
- Date:
- 01/04/2001
- Time:
- 4:12:26 PM
- My Father-in-law, Donald A. Seitz, was a T-sergeant in the 33rd
squadron in the 22nd bomb group. He and I were looking in the net for information
on his group. He is 84 now. Thanks Debbie Seitz
- This is Don A. Seitz eng. Gunner for Cap. Kindig and later Lt. Lint in
B-25 & B-24. Kindig became a major and Lt. Lint became our pilot. I completed my
missions and was sent back to USA in 44. I want hear from my crew. The B-25 I flew in was
named "I'll do anything for a price". I don't know the name of the B-24. Don.
- Date:
- 01/03/2001
- Time:
- 4:12:26 PM
- Wynn Anderson My father, Winfred W. Anderson, was a pilot with the 397th
Bomb Group, 597th Bomb Squadron, 1944-1945. Anyone having photos, etc. I would
appreciate contact. I have been emailing some of the Group personnel who have been more
than helpful. I can now scan photos and will forward those I have to those who want. I
don't have many, but will share. Also am trying to establish contact with Air Force
History Section at Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, Ala.: any help in this regards would be
appreciated. Wynn
- Date:
- 01/03/2001
- Time:
- 1:14:31 PM
- My father-in-law, Joseph Castoro, 344 Bombardment Group, 494 Combat Squadron, was
assigned to the above referenced Group and Squadron starting in March 1944. He flew 65
missions and received the Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal. He tells me the
stories of some of his missions and has a written account of all 65 missions. He is very
proud of his time in the B-26 and of his Group and Squadron. I would like to help him find
out information on his Squadron and men he served with. Can you help send me in the right
direction. Thank You, Mark Blaire (Prior Air Force)
- Date:
- 01/01/2001
- Time:
- 10:50:31 AM
- Fred Butler I was a weapons mechanic during Vietnam stationed at NKP Thailand and worked
on one of the last groups of B26's that were is service. They were changed to A26's for
Vietnam and I was there when the last of the planes were taken out of service. This was in
either late 1969 or early 1970.
- Date:
- 01/01/2001
- Time:
- 10:46:31 AM
- Ballinger B. Moore. BombGp: 22; Squadron: 18; Class: 41E; Location:
Randolph AFB. Flew the B-26 during New Guinea tour in WWII. I would like very
much to get in touch with anyone from 41E or the 18th. Skip Moore (Son)
- Date:
- 01/01/2001
- Time:
- 10:30:31 AM
- My grandfather, T/Sgt Lloyd H. Allen served as a Radio Gunner on a B-26
with the 9th Air Force 9th Bomber 98th CB 387th 556th. He flew 76 combat sorties. Would
anyone have any info on his squadron or help on where to find info? Thanks, Don McShanog
- Date:
- 01/01/2001
- Time:
- 10:21:31 AM
- I'm looking for information about the B-26 units stationed at the Atterbury Army Air
Field in Columbus, Indiana during WWII for the Atterbury-Balakar Air Museum. We need help
with the historical profile of these units. From a January 7, 1944 story in the
Columbus Indiana newspaper under the heading of "B-26 Marauder Bombers Arrive at
Local Field" these names were in the article. Lt. Lewis Hammond of Gary and his wife
the former Miss Emily Pruitt of Edinburg IN. Commander of the group Col. Richard T.
Coiner, Jr, Executive officer Maj. Franklyn E. Ebeling and other commanders Maj.
Robert M. McLeod and Maj. Kenneth C. Dempster.
- We have very little information about the B26 units that were stationed at Atterbury
Army Air Field. All I have is that they were on base during 1943 and 1944. One unit was
from Ardmore, Oklahoma prior to arriving at Atterbury Army Air Field in Columbus, Indiana.
The only name we can come up with is a Capt. Roland M. Huff the field's public relations
officer at that time. One of the B-26's crashed in October of 1943 about four miles east
of the field with no serious injuries. One of the B-26's had a nose over on take off about
this time. As you can see the information we have is very thin. We are trying to build our
historical file for the Atterbury-Bakalar Air Museum which is located on the former base
property which is now the Columbus Airport. Thanks for your help. Gordon Lake