- Date:
- 8/18/2023
- Time:
- 7:42 AM
- To whom it may concern:
In Honor of his memory and achievements, I’m trying to collect and find any
information on my Grandfather
Captain Horace G Humphrey
B26 Pilot WWll
394 BG
585 Squad
To pass along to other family members.
Thanks for the keeping the Marauderman story alive.
Wade Watson
Trevor Allen researched a mission your Grandfather flew.
It would help us if you email large images of your Grandfather with his
plane(s) and crew, we'll make a dedication page.
43-34215 394BG, 585BS "SHE'S A COMIN'"
2 Dec 44 Searching for diversion airfield after home base weathered in, short
of gas crashed landed at Origny 4km E Brigny, cat E, salvaged 6 Dec 44
1.Lt. Horace G. Humphrey, Jr P; 2.Lt William C Anderson C/P; 1.Lt Bruce W
Barker N; 2.Lt James C Grant B; S/Sgt's Charles M Kingar E/G; Robert M
Anderson R/G; Stephen Rusinko A/G; Carl O Schoipling A/G (All crew safe)
- Date:
- 8/11/2023
- Time:
- 11:08 AM
Service: 9th US Army Airforce
Bomb Gp: ?
Squadron: ?
Years: 44-45
Class: 44-11 (graduated)
Location: Durango, CO
Comments: My father was a 2LT Bombardier/Navigator in a B-26 unit of the 9th
USAAF. He had training at Goodfellow airbase, then went to England, France and
Germany. He may have been stationed at Kitzigen or Giebelstadt, Germany in
1945. He had a Distinguished Flying Cross, and Air Medal w/OLC, and others. He
had a month’s duty as Squadron mail censor for fraternization. He also helped
organize a reunion in the ‘80s (?). Any info or roster would be appreciated.
I also have the class book, Shack 44-11.
Kenneth D. Periman, SFC, USA (Ret)
- Hi Kenneth,
Having seen your request for details of your Grandfather's service, and as the
name was vaguely familiar from my previous research into the 322nd BG, I have
done some research and come up with the following, Paul Clouting kindly helped
fill in some of the aircraft details.
2Lt. Kenneth I. Periman (sometimes appears as Perriman in the records)
Serial No: X-XXXX2048
Air Medal with 6 OLCs – (medal and each OLC awarded after every 5 completed
450th Bomb Squadron, 322nd Bomb Group
322nd Bomb Group based at A-61 Beauvais Tille, France 1945
From the below it appears that his regular pilot was 1Lt. John Day
Missions Flown:
Date Target Pilot Aircraft Flown
Jan 16 Bullay RR Bridge 2Lt. F. D. Barzilauskaus 41-31777, ER-C “Zombie II”
Jan 22 Blankenheim M/Y 1Lt. W. J. Sillis 41-31824, ER-U “Pete’s Avenger”
Jan 29 Kall Comm. Cent. 2Lt. F. D. Barzilauskaus 41-31777, ER-C “Zombie II”
Feb 8 Horrem Town 1Lt. J. Day 42-107745, ER-O
Feb 13 Iserlohn area 1Lt. J. Day 41-31824, ER-U “Pete’s Avenger”
Feb 14 Kevelaer Comm. Cent. 1Lt. J. Day 43-34397, DR-A
Feb 14 Rees Comm. Cent. 2Lt. O. T. Jones 41-31777, ER-C “Zombie II”
Mar 1 Stommeln Comm. Cent. 1Lt. J. Day 42-107836, SS-O “I’ll Be Seeing You”
Mar 3 Weisbaden Ord. Depot 1Lt. J. Day 44-68068, ER-O
Mar 3 Schwelm M/T Conc. 1Lt. J. Day 44-67870, ER-J
Mar 5 Stadt Meckenheim Rd/J 1Lt. P. C. Humphreys 44-67806, ER-L
Mar 8 Berg Gladbach Comm. C .1Lt. W. E. Dow 123, ER-M (either 42-96 or 44-68)
Mar 10 Erndtebruck M/Y 1Lt. J. Day 44-68100, ER-W
Mar 12 Frondenberg M/Y 1Lt. J. Day 41-31846, ER-H (ex 387 BG KX-T)
Mar 15 Erb ach M/Y 1Lt. J. Day 41-31777, ER-C “Zombie II”
Mar 16 Neiderscheld Comm. Cen. 1Lt. J. Day 41-31802, ER-G “Pappy’s Pram”
Mar 18 Bad Durkeim Comm. Cen. 1Lt. J. Day 42-107674, DR-Q “Annie Laurie”
Mar 19 Volksmarsen RR Br. 1Lt. J. Day 41-31967, SS-H “Johnny Zero”
Mar 20 Sythen Ammo Dump 1Lt. G. J. Gaudette 42-107603, ER-K
Mar 21 Dulman Comm. Cen. 1Lt. J. Day 41-31802, ER-G “Pappy’s Pram”
Mar 21 Stadtlohn Comm. Cen. 1Lt. P. C. Humphreys 43-34611, PN-F “Green Ghost”
Mar 23 Dinslaken Comm. Cen. 1Lt. D. K. Borst 42-107624, ER-Y
Mar 24 Bocholt Flak Positions 1Lt. J. Day 41-31802, ER-G “Pappy’s Pram”
Mar 24 Pracht RR Br. 1Lt. J. Day 44-67891, SS-Q “Francis Slanger”
Mar 25 Flammersfeld Comm. Cen. 2Lt. O. T. Jones 42-96067, SS-H
Apr 4 Ebrach Ord. Depot 1Lt. W. E. Dow 43-34342, ER-W “Lil Maggie”
- During period of April 5th to 8th the 450th Bomb Squadron, 322nd Bomb
Group, moves to A-89 Le Culot, Belgium
Apr 9 Naumberg Ord. Depot 1Lt. J. Day 123, ER-M (either 42-96 or 44-68)
Apr 11 Aschersleben M/Y 1Lt. J. Day 41-31802, ER-G “Pappy’s Pram”
Apr 11 Kothen M/Y 1Lt. E. McHugh 44-68068, ER-O
Apr 12 Kempten Ord. Depot 1Lt. J. Day 44-68068, ER-O
Apr 17 Magdeburg Def. Town 1Lt. J. Day 43-34342, ER-W “Lil Maggie”
Apr 17 Aalen Ord. Depot 1Lt. J. Day 43-34355, SS-S “The Thunder Mugg”
Apr 18 Neuburg Oil Depot 2Lt. W. Stanley 41-31675, SS-F “Dubissary”
Apr 18 Juterbog RR Junc. 1Lt. J. Day 43-34305, ER-A
Apr 20 Straubing Oil Depot Capt. R. W. Turkington 43-34317, DR-Y
Apr 20 Wittenburg M/Y 2Lt. W. E. Stanley 42-96034, DR-C (ex 394 BG 4T-O)
- Total: 36 missions flown
In June 1945 the 450th BS transferred 88 officers and 99 enlisted men to the
394th Bomb Group who were at that time based at Y-55 Venlo, Holland, no doubt
Lt Periman was one those transferred, the 394th Bomb Group moved to R-6
Kitzingen, Germany, in September 1945.
I hope that this is of interest.
Alan F. Crouchman
- Date:
- 5/20/2023
- Time:
- 5:12 PM
The Last Flight of a Marauder by Eric Wiberg, The Tribune Limited
- Here is my study of 45 sites inclusive 30 visited, not all casualties and
not all had KIA’s. All my best also this today from Bahamas papers. -Eric
- Date:
- 5/13/2023
- Time:
- 6:47 PM
- Hello All,
It's with a heavy heart that I am informing you that
Roy Bozych
passed away. He helped so many with any type of research or information
about the B-26 Marauder. We all have benefited from knowing Roy. He will be
- Regards,
Robert Johnson
I am in the process of collecting Roy's archives. I will be trying to fill his
shoes and keep the 454th spirit alive.
- Everyone knows Roy helped hundreds of people one-on-one and his work
helped thousands more. Roy's Marauderman work was done through the 323rds
Roy would deal with everything 323rd - there is a lot of overlap with
other bomb groups and squadrons.
- Date:
- 4/21/2023
- Time:
- 8:32 AM
- Marauderman's Name:
Technical Sergeant Marvin Neil Dugger
Bomb Group: 387th
Bomb Squadron: 559th
Years in service: 1942-45
Comments: My great grandfather, Marvin, served with the 559th as a crew chief.
He was mainly chief of 3 bombers throughout his service. His first was
41-31692 TQ-Z "Louisville Slugger" which was later renamed to “Blivet”, and
completed the war with 171 missions. Next was 42-107844 TQ-T “Enema Patrol”,
which suffered a horrific crash in December of ‘44, after her 49th mission.
The replacement for her was 44-67844 TQ-T, which survived the war with 46
missions. I don’t know much about his history, but I’ve heard his pilots liked
to take him with them and that he may have been over France on D-Day. I don’t
have any good pictures of “Louisville Slugger" but would really like some if
they exist. One of Blivet’s main pilots was Lt. Estes, and I’d really like to
know what happened to him. Any information/pictures anyone has would be much
appreciated. Thanks! Logan Gardner PS. B26 is great great website!
- In response to the request by Logan Gardner regarding T/Sgt Marvin Duggar
I can offer the following:
- The aircraft 41-31692 “Louisville Slugger” was flown overseas by 1/Lt.
Louis H. Walker who only flew it in combat for a few missions, 1/Lt Eldridge
Estes first flew her on September 24th 1943 to Evreux/Fauville Airdrome and
seems to have become her regular pilot from December 4th 1943 on, maybe it was
around this time that the name was changed to “Blivet.”
- 1/Lt. Estes went on to be awarded 14 Clusters to the Air Medal, which
would indicate he flew at least 75 missions! The last award was dated August
3rd 1944 but the 559th Bomb Squadron records shows that he was a Flight
Commander and released from that duty on July 11th 1944, which would indicate
the date when he actually completed his tour.
- With regard to T/Sgt. Duggar - he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal on
September 22nd 1944 – this was usually awarded to a crew chief when the
aircraft under his control completed 50 consecutive missions without a
mechanical abort.
- I attach three photos’ the first is the only one I have showing the name
of “Louisville Slugger” before being changed to “Blivet” (If Logan Gardner has
any others it would be nice to see them). The second shows “Blivet” with an
unknown ground crew member, showing 39 combat missions flown which would
suggest the photo was taken around April 11th 1944. The last photo shows the
smoke rising from the burning “Enema Patrol” at the end of the runway on
December 9th 1944 the explosion of which caused the tragic death of the 6 crew
plus 22 other personnel who were trying to extricate them, and seriously
injuring 10 more.
- I hope this helps in some way.
- Regards,
- Alan Crouchman

- Date:
- 4/10/2023
- Time:
- 1:22 PM
- Hello,
- I found Arie
Bestebreurtje's webpage and noticed there are
citations on your website.
- I was a law student 1972-1975 in Charlottesville. My wife and I were
searching for a church, and one of our visits was to Dr. B's Presbyterian
Church. We liked his preaching, so we went back several times.
While studying at our rented duplex one night, I heard a knock at the door.
Dr. B was there, unexpected, to learn more about us and to invite us to join
the church.
We joined on a Sunday when around a dozen people joined. Without using notes,
Dr. B called each of us to the front of the church and told the congregation
something about each of us. No other minister has made us feel so welcomed and
We left Charlottesville after I graduated, so we lost contact with Dr. B. We
did learn of his tragic death while ice skating. Then, last week, we saw an
Antiques Road Show which was filmed in Boise, Idaho, where his daughter talked
about his ribbons and General Gavin. It brought back those memories.
We feel blessed to have known Dr. B.
T. Jennings
- Thank you for writing TJ! Mr. Bestebreurtje was a very special person,
the few recorded sermons I heard are outstanding and dead on right. Maybe more
people will add content to the site. Mr. Bestebreurtje should not be
forgotten. -Mike
- Date:
- 4/3/2023
- Time:
- 7:00 PM
- On Joe Coleman's page, there
is a photo of Col. Wood's crew. It asks help to ID the co-pilot.
From several of the crew loadings for the fall in '44,(where the pic seems to
be), a Lt. Milton Wells is listed as Col. Wood's co-pilot.
Wynn Anderson, son of Andy Anderson
- Date:
- 3/27/2023
- Time:
- 1:11 PM
- I’ve put together a current timeline of the crew of aircraft B-26 41-31603
"Our Baby". It’s a work in progress but I was hoping you could post the link
in hopes someone out there has a photo of the aircraft because as far as I
know a photo doesn’t exist. If anybody wants to add something to the site,
just email me.
It’s dedicated to my grandfather Russel E. McClintock and the rest of the crew
he was with the day they were shot down.
- Rusty McClintock
- Date:
- 3/16/2023
- Time:
- 8:22 AM
- Hello
I am Francis ROLLAND a Frenchman who is preparing an exhibition for the 80th
anniversary of our liberation by the Allies on August 17, 1944, my town
Condé-sur-Noireau (now Condé-en-Normandie) is located 45 km south of Caen.
Here I am looking for information, mission reports, photos of the bombing of
our city and crews of the bombing groups that carried out missions on the
dates (dates I found to this day) 6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 30 August 1944, especially
for groups 387BG, 391BG, 397BG, 409BG, 410BG.
Thank you in advance
Very cordially
- Date:
- 3/15/2023
- Time:
- 9:54 AM
- Eric Wiberg has accomplished something no one has ever done, he's tracking
down and finding WW2 airplanes that crashed in the Caribbean training or
flying to Europe. Superman work!
- If you have any information about the planes and crews, contact Eric.
Thank you.
- Date:
- 3/13/2023
- Time:
- 11:36 AM
- Now that we're sort of opening up let's all meet at Boxted Museum for a
party! Well, it's a nice thought anyway. Great people. Great place. Donations
- Date:
- 2/16/2023
- Time:
- 11:36 AM
- My Dad, George Adam
Hofmann, flew with George
Parker on the Missouri Mule II. In early-May 1944, he volunteered to fly
with Freeman's crew to get one more mission under his belt towards a ticket
home. They never came back.
George Parker went out of his way to write this letter to my Mom to warn her
she would be hearing from the War Department about my Dad being MIA - but that
he was OK. Clearly, my Mom treasured this letter which went a long way to ease
her anxiety. I discovered this letter among forty or so love letters home
written by my Dad while in Stalag Luft III. I was so moved by the act of
kindness which I had never known about, that I called Captain Parker to thank
him personally. Sadly, he had passed away one year before my call. Fortunately
I was able to speak to his wife, Lois, and their children and properly
acknowledge the act, sending them a copy of the original letter from 1944. -Al
- Date:
- 1/28/2023
- Time:
- 8:59 AM
- Some info on the 2Lt
Edwin J. Anderson's new dedication page. He came overseas as the co-pilot
to 1Lt William H. Sanders Jr in aircraft 41-31694 FW-F 'Hangover Hut."
The German He-177 was found abandoned at A-39 Chateaudun when the Group moved
in on 18th Sept 1944.
The captured Ju-88 was part of the RAF 1476 Flight that visited Chipping Ongar
on March 31st 1944, along with an Me-109 and Fw-190 to show the aircrews their
The last picture shows a Christmas Card that some enterprising artist produced
and would annotate it with the aircraft details and a caricature of the
sender, sadly no details is known about who the artist was whether English or
American but I have seen several of these.
Alan Crouchman
- Date:
- 1/25/2023
- Time:
- 8:17 AM
- Hello,
My father was a squadron mate of Capt. Gleason. Richard McChrystal flew 71
combat missions for the 479th FG, 434th FG alongside Capt Gleason.
The problem is that Sgt. George WILEY Gleason, who was a B-26 crewman, appears
in most of the Google images for Capt. George W. Cleason. Most of these images
are from B26 .com site. I have the greatest respect for Sgt. Cleason as I do
for all airmen who risked their lives during the war. Although I suspect that
most of the images were posted by other B-26 enthusiasts, I'd appreciate it if
you could remove these images if possible to reduce the confusion a bit. A 2X
Ace deserves the respect. Keep up the good work to keep the Marauder alive and
honoring their crews.
Best Regards,
Stephen McChrystal
- Date:
- 1/1/2023
- Time:
- 12:01 AM
- Happy New Year!
Marauder Men, family and friends are invited to add content to the web
site. Send scanned pictures 300dpi or mail pictures via post. Tell a story
about your Marauderman and include as much information as you can.