Crew: Joe Walters, Pilot; David Miller, Co-pilot, John
Gregg, Bomb/Navigator
Monte Wood, Radio/Waist gunner; Billy Sanders, Engineer/Turret gunner;
David McKinley, Tail gunner

Joe Walters, deceased; Miller, alive and well; John Gregg, deceased;
Monte Wood, deceased.
I have not had a reply for years from Billie Sanders TX or David McKinley.
David was the only crew member injured by flak on one of our missions was
sent home, became a lawyer in PA.
John Gregg, Bombardier/Navigator flew a few mission with us before being
assigned to group lead etc.
We were a replacement crew thus, we were not always on the same crew.
I flew a total of 58 missions. most of them from the right seat before
checked out in the left seat.