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Trevor Allen - B-26 Historian

Preserving the Legacy of the Martin B-26 Marauder

Early Life and Wartime Memories
The Beginning of a Lifelong Passion for the B-26
Decades of Research and Discovery
The B-26 Archives: A Treasure Trove of History
Helping Families Connect with Their B-26 History
How You Can Contribute to B-26 Research

Trevor Allen, Martin B-26 Marauder Historian
Alan Crouchman, 387th BG Historian
Chester Paul Klier, 386th BG Historian, B-26 Flight Engineer
Ronnie Macklin, 17th BG Historian

Meet Trevor Allen, B-26 Historian

Sometimes WWII seems so far away, but at other times it still seems like yesterday when danger was an ever-present part of ordinary daily life. As a youngster in England, the air war became a passion to both myself and many of my friends. We were daily fed on a diet of how great the Air Force was and the valiant fighter pilots who won the "Battle of Britain".Strangely though, the danger to us came later during the night blitz when German bombers roamed all over the British Isles almost at will.

The area where I lived was bombed frequently as the Luftwaffe attempted to bomb the industrial complexes around us. Most homes were provided with an air raid shelter, which was composed of corrugated steel sheets semi-buried into the garden with soil piled on top. While we felt safer there, we experienced one major problem: the shelters usually flooded to a depth of twelve inches or more. So for comfort and apparent safety, we used to sit under the dining room table whilst a raid was in progress. I can still vividly remember the night a stick of bombs whistled over our house and exploded, killing my best friend and his family only a couple of streets away.

Incendiary bombs were a favorite weapon that was dropped, and thereby hangs a couple of stories. One night, a stick was dropped across our road, and one went through the roof of a neighbor, a 76-year-old lady who lived alone. Helpless? Not on your life - she extinguished the bomb by herself.

On another occasion, my father discovered an incendiary bomb in our garden after the previous night's raid. So he dug it up, put it under his arm, and we carried it to the local police station. On entry, we wondered why suddenly all the police inside made a very speedy exit. The shouted instructions from outside left us in no doubt about our parentage and what we should do with the bomb. Father calmly placed the incendiary into a bucket of sand, and we went home without a care in the world. Looking back now, we were probably the biggest idiots in the neighborhood.

As the war progressed, us youngsters discovered some fellows in strange uniforms who spoke very strange English. However, what attracted us was that they had a plentiful supply of chocolate bars and chewing gum. It is surprising how quickly you can befriend a fellow with plenty of these to spare.

Around this time, the sky, which was always full of aeroplanes, began to reveal new ones we had never seen before. It didn't take long to discover the B-17, B-24, B-26, P-37, P-38, and P-51. Of them all, the one that appealed to me was the B-26 with that beautiful streamlined shape; in any case, it usually flew the lowest and was easier to recognize. Thus began a love affair that lasts to this day.

From Passion to Research

The war ended, and suddenly for the first time in six years, the sky became still, and we all got down to building the peace. Off I went to further education and then trained as a design engineer in the steel industry, but the love affair was still there. By 1954, I was in a position to find out more about my B-26, but on searching for information, very little existed both here in England or in the United States. More to the point, no one seemed at all interested. So began my research into the combat history of the Martin B-26 Marauder and the men who took it to war.

From press cuttings, I began to find the names of B-26 men and the towns where they came from. Thus began a marathon correspondence with sheriffs and town mayors, which slowly began to bring in replies. When a contact with a B-26 man was made, I asked if they could pass me on to another B-26 man they knew. It was slow, it was hard work, and the results were low in comparison with the number of letters written. Over the years, the contacts increased, the information began to connect and make sense, and the picture began to build. In forty-eight years, I have probably written 25,000 letters to B-26 men alone. What kept me going? Simply my great interest and the marvelous people I came into contact with. Many are no longer with us, but I remember them still for their kindness and warmth. As young men, they fought bravely in a bloody environment, many giving their lives, others gravely injured; the survivors, as they aged, remembered and cared deeply.

The B-26 Archives

So what have I achieved? Firstly, the friendship of a great bunch of guys who we now refer to as the Maraudermen. Secondly, probably one of the biggest, well-researched historical archives dedicated to one aeroplane - the Martin B-26 Marauder. I hold over ten thousand photographs, three hundred reels of microfilms, official documents, audio-taped interviews with B-26 men, a large book collection dedicated to the subject, diary extracts, stories, and a record of every B-26 manufactured and the units they operated with. My records cover the USAAF B-26 units in the Pacific, Mediterranean, European, and Alaskan theatres of operations, as well as the US Navy, the Royal Air Force, the South African Air Force, and the Free French Air Force.

How I Help B-26 Families

What do I do with it? Well, over the past years, I have supplied answers to many hundreds of queries and supplied veterans and their families with information they could not get elsewhere. It is there still for reference and help to both Maraudermen and their families. If you are a second or third-generation Marauderman and wish to learn more about a family member who was on B-26 Marauders, then I will always help where possible. I cannot answer all questions - that is beyond the capability of any one person - but those I can answer, I will do so gladly.

Contributing to B-26 Research

I ask only one thing from those seeking help: I am a historian and always looking for new information. It is surprising where this sometimes comes from, and sometimes even the smallest piece of information can complete a jigsaw. So if you have photographs, old orders, diaries, etc., why not let me have a look at them? Computer scanning of photographs and documents is so easy these days. I am not asking you to give your precious keepsakes away - just that we may see them.

Trevor Allen
B-26 Historian

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